Sunday, August 3, 2008

Corrosiveheart has moved home!

This blog has moved! I decided to bring back and will no longer be posting over here. If you use a reader to catch up with my site, you may now update your links and subscribe to the new feed location. There's nothing really too special at the site but with time I hope to bring back at least some content with a few extras.

See you there!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wanderlust Redux (PT.3)

July 2008 was quite a month for travel and I can't believe how smoothly it all went! Magnus and Sophie were so well-behaved and we were so proud of how well they held out during our such exhausting travel schedules.

Before we left for Prague on the 13th we spent one day and one night in Oslo's city centre. We didn't do too much shopping but did however get to IKEA and order our new kitchen. (Which should hopefully be here next week!) We had planned on meeting with our friends Atle and Noril but there just wasn't enough time and Atle wasn't feeling too well. At least I managed to pick up a few of the items I had been watching out for and mapped out a plan for our returning trip in Oslo.

Prague was great despite the two days of light rain and the one day when my stomach died. We shopped, took the kids to the zoo, and even managed to squeeze in some time for antiquing. We picked up the usual gifts of incredibly inexpensive alcohol and chocolate, soap, and cosmetics and skincare. The little extra money that we saved went towards mini-sprees at IKEA and antique shops. This did not include Ørjan's independent splurge at one of his stamp shops but I decided to let him decide what a fair amount would be. The zoo was fantastic! I didn't realize that it was rated as the world's 7th best zoo in 2008 until we did some research just prior to visiting (a few hours maybe?) but were so surprised and satisfied with our visit. Magnus loves animals right now and it was very special for him. He was however extremely tired and threw a few tantrums, but as soon as we managed to walk to the polarbears and the Indonesian Jungle his mood completely changed and he morphed back into the boy we all know and love. It's a very good thing that we opted for renting an apartment for the week because I'm not sure how the kids would have handled the trip. We needed the privacy and space and having an entire apartment with all the furnishings and ammenities that a regular flat has really helped. I didn't really take too many photos this time and was slighlty surprised I didn't take any pictures of our apartment, but we still have many great memories. It was sad to leave our favourite city behind, but I'm sure we'll be back again soon... without the kids!

The last couple of days we spent in Oslo were bittersweet. The shopping and sightseeing were great, but god was I disappointed about how badly that wonderful city is deteriorating. It didn't matter which street corner we had stopped at, or even which park we crossed, the streets were filled with panhandlers or drug users that were either obviously high or so sick that they were either vomiting or passed out. Sadly I am not exagerating any of these facts. I lived in and just outside of Toronto for many years and Oslo was 10x worse in my opinion. It's a great bustling city but I don't think I would want to take my family (my children) back there very soon. It's too bad. Although I live in an incredibly small town (are we more than 1200 now?) I'm still a city-girl at heart, but jeezs, Oslo is definitely not my city.

With our last few remaining days we went out to Onøy/Lurøy to visit his grandma. We refer to these trips as visiting his "grandma's island". Magnus has been a couple of times but this was Sophie's first visit outside my womb. We had gorgeous weather, spent some time with the grandparents (Magnus and Sophie's great-grandparents), and I of course went for a couple of walks and took some photos.

Now with vacation coming to an official end today I'm not sure how I'm going to handle Monday. Thankfully we still have the weekend ahead of us. With it now being over I just realized how badly I need another vacation as soon as possible!

Updates of sorts?

I feel like I should probably update this place with actual updates. It's been a while since I actually revealed what's been going on in my life as well as our lives. I plan on writing a separate post about our travels if I have time, but for the moment I will just stick with what's current.

Our birthdays went well for the most part. We initially had intended for them to be private affairs but they didn't end up as we had planned. Ørjan gave me my birthday gift in bed - a wonderful new tripod. Since I had been trying to keep his gift(s) a secret for months I decided I couldn't hold it in any longer. The day itself wasn't fantastic with me being so sick but it wasn't a complete disappointment. Ørjan ended up inviting some friends and family over for the next day (the shared day between our birth dates when we usually do something) so I spent the evening preparing food. The next day was a success and wasn't nearly as much stress as I thought it would be. For Ørjan's birthday we did pretty much the same as we did for my birthday but I threw in a few extras that could possibly nominate me as the sweetest wife on the planet. He also insisted on not having a birthday cake so I made him something with the remaining brownie that I had left. We spent most of our time with our family and the kids and it's the only thing I really wished for.

Our vacation has almost come to an end. How did four weeks go by so quickly? I think we only managed to do half of the things we had planned. Due to some delays many of the renovations we had planned for our house are only half finished. This point is slightly disappointing but it's not like we have a strict deadline either. It just would have been nice to have accomplished these tasks during our vacation when we actually had the time.

For those readers that visit my blog on a daily basis (that means you Texas) but find few updates should visit my flickr account since I usually find myself updating much more over there. I do plan on updating more in the next little while when Magnus begins kindergarten/daycare in a couple of weeks and when I reopen my domain. I haven't really planned to bring back the earlier content but rather am hoping to post content that reflects my life now as a woman, mother, and wife. I plan to bring back film and product reviews, technology updates, and more photos.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Today is my birthday

I have now reached 24. Today is my 24th birthday and despite how genuinely happy and content I am with my life when I woke up this morning I definitely felt something else. For the past couple of days I've been fighting a nasty cold and haven't really seen much of an improvement. This is just one reason why I'm slightly hesitant about today. I have to be honest, due to my childhood and my mother's half-assed attempts at being a Jehovah's Witness for several years, birthdays were forbidden and always sour... much like all the other occasions and holidays that I wanted to celebrate like all my friends and classmates. That's right. Their definition as to why celebrations were forbidden always dictated the day and the apprehension and disappointment always made it true. Family fights, feelings of disappointment and being unloved, and the pure disaster of the day meant I never had anything to look forward to. As I became older this of course gradually changed and my mother became a born-again Christian. Suffice to say though that a comprehensive 15+ years of memories still sting and burn my skin each year that I celebrate a birthday. Maybe this year has been the only year that I've been honest about it. While I have no problems whatsoever being part of or celebrating any other person's birthday, the idea of accepting celebrating something for myself without doubt is just impossible at this time.

Last night when Ørjan and I were turning down to bed he tried kissing me and wishing me a happy birthday but I just turned my head as if I was not interested in his affection. He knows how I feel about my birthday but it was still no excuse for being so cold. I've been awake for a couple of hours (maybe due to my cold, but probably due to my apprehension) thinking about what this day could be. In all actuality the weather has improved (VG sier at vi sku ha fint vær denne helgen) and I can see the sun breaking through the clouds over the mountain, I have a wonderful family to celebrate it with, and I don't have to deal with the pressures of other family members or throwing a birthday party. I was slightly pressured by my mother-in-law to do something but come on! Ørjan and I wanted to do something more private this year (his 34th birthday is in two days) for our birthdays and don't feel as if we need something elaborate. It's not exactly an "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" situation but rather a step in the right direction of actually taking control and power over a day that belongs to us and no one else.

I did make myself a promise though - At least one glass of wine. I have only had one glass of wine since June 2006 and today so we shall see how this goes down. Literally. I'm still breastfeeding Sophie exclusively but I don't think one glass of wine before bed will do too much harm. I hope. I've never had to pump and she's never had a bottle so she'll just have to forgive me if she doesn't like her midnight meal.

So in a nutshell, that's how I physically feel about today and my birthdays in general. Of course it's still early (not even 7am) and the day could totally pull me into another surprising direction, but I find it very unlikely. At 24 I am extremely happy, but celebrating my 24th birthday is an entirely different matter in my universe.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 years

Yesterday was our 3-year wedding anniversary. Since we were both so exhausted (and had done some celebrating in Prague) this year was a simple affair. It didn't mean that it wasn't good... because it was. Needless to say 3 years of marriage and 2 kids later hasn't touched the passion one bit. Dinner, desert, and a little surprise at the end of the night was perfect. Even Magnus seemed to like my more grown-up romanitc dinner for 2. I made a little extra thinking I would have some leftovers for lunch today but there's hardly anything left!

It's going on 7 years that we've been together. How and when did this happen? Ørjan and I never had the chance to know eachother during youth, but I can say without a doubt that we've definitely grown up together since we met. So much has happened since then that I couldn't imagine a life without him. Sometimes before we go to bed I actually say, "You can't die before me" because I worry so much although I know it doesn't help anything.

I love my husband. He's a good man, a wonderful husband (and bestfriend), and a fantastic father.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A tiny update

Prague has been wonderful. The weather has kind of sucked so I haven't taken too many photos. I can't believe we leave tomorrow morning. A week was too little. At least we spent this time relaxing and we avoided most of the tourists.
More later.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wanderlust PT.2

Ahhh... thank goodness for wireless in our hotel room. It's even more wonderful than a hot shower after two hot and sticky days. It took me half the day to shake off the feeling of the motion of the train. After 14 hours from Mo i Rana to Oslo I almost fell over at one point while changing Magnus' diaper. At 6:30 this morning we walked off the platform, ate breakfast, stored our luggage, and then took on the city. We went to House of Oslo to kill a few hours, made it to IKEA for some brief shopping, and even managed to walk around the city for as long as we could. Just imagine if you will two small ones (Magnus is 17 months and Sophie is 5 months) coming off the train at 6am and only napping for 1-2 hours at IKEA while we waited for the shuttle bus. They did so well and we were so proud of them. It was a long and exhausting day for everyone, but we achieved most of what we wanted. I wasn't able to hit many of the stores I wanted to at House of Oslo but I did however pick up a few steals at Åhléns. Items were 50%-70% off! I knew I couldn't buy too much because I want to keep the weight of our suitcases minimal for our departure to Prague tomorrow. IKEA was a complete success! We ordered our kitchen (Nexus gulbrun), ordered our bed in mellombrun (I was so disappointed that they didn't have the Hemnes bed I really wanted!), and even managed to sit down to a satisfying lunch. I was so proud of Magnus since he ate around 80% of this kidsmeal of meatballs. I ordered what I always order - IKEA's take on falafel and couscous.

I should really get some sleep. We have to get up early and get to the station and take the express train to the airport for our 11am flight. I can't wait to get to Prague. We really need this vacation. An added plus that had completely lapsed is that we have half a day both next Friday and Saturday to shop in Oslo. I can't wait to come back and hit up the shops I missed today.
Despite the wonder that is technology and free wireless, I am choosing to refrain from net usage while on vacation if I can manage it. This means my posting will resume when we return to Oslo next week. See everyone later!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wanderlust PT.1

VACATION!!! (Yes, I am this excited!)
There are a million things we still need to do but I'm still on top of it all. Everything has been confirmed and double-checked, our checklists are being completed, and the only thing we really need to worry about are those last minute details. Ørjan's mum will be taking our cat for the week, I have everything ready for the kids, and I'm actually for leaving our technology behind or keeping it turned off. We only have 6 days and 5 nights in Prague and I want to enjoy it since we haven't been there for a couple of years.

We're taking the train from Mo Friday afternoon and will be overnighting in Oslo, and our flight leaves for Prague Sunday morning. I cannot wait to get out of here. I need some shopping, culture, and to be in a place where we can be alone as a family. This city is very special for both Ørjan and I and now we have our children experiencing it with us. Of course taking two young children along might be insane, but that's life.

Hopefully I'll have time to post something before I leave because I have so much to say but have so little time. For those of you that read this I should be back next Monday. (Og du, ja, jeg vet at du er tilbake. Hvorfor sier du ingenting?)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It took me 24 years to get this far...

In 23 days I will be 24 years old. 24. Wow. My life at 24 is not what I expected but then again I had never really put much thought into who I would be as an adult. I am a woman that is filled with pride, integrity, and courage. I love without hesitation and have found that the best decisions I've made have only come when I have learned to let go of any fear or insecurity I may have had. At 24 I'm still learning about the person I am and who I will be and I've also learned and developed stronger values and beliefs. My main focus is no longer work or possible future fortune, but it has completely shifted to my family (mainly my 2 wonderful children) and home. Although these are my main focus they do not define me as a person. Infact, I'm still not completely sure of who I am but I am confident that I have a clear picture of this girl and it's completely sufficient. My career has somewhat shifted into a new direction and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm still maintaining my web and designs skills but have pushed forward with my main passion - FOOD! I cook, bake, eat, sleep, and breathe food. As my delicious treats become increasingly popular and heavily desired I have no doubt in my mind that I am doing the right thing.

At 24 my life is full of ________. I still can't complete this sentence because I still can't find an appropriate word that could possibly describe all that I am feeling. I just know that as I enter my 24th year I am confident that the next cycle of my life can only get better with time. I am married to a wonderful man that can easily seduce me with his stamp and coin collections, I have two wonderful children that bring me so much pride and joy, and I live in a place that I love and truly embrace now. Life finally feels good. I remember only 7 years ago I was writing about how depressed and angry I was and sometimes I wish I could just hold that girl's hand and tell her that patience would be the key to her happiness.

What more can I say? My life finally feels right and for once I think it fits. I take the time to live, laugh, and love and appreciate and respect all these components equally. I have worked physically and mentally hard to get to this point and now I finally have the opportunity to enjoy it. At 24 I am no longer a tourist.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Late-night morning thoughts

July is almost here! Ørjan will be finished from work soon and we'll have 4 weeks together to relax, vacation, and then come home and finish renovating the house. I am so looking forward to spending some time together as a whole family. Lately it's been a bit of a push and pull around here with our chaotic and exhausting schedules. It'll be nice to get away to Oslo and Prague (in less than 2 weeks!) and it should feel even better once we're settled in. There's still a million and one things we have to do and plan before we leave but I just haven't had the time or energy to get on it. Hmmm.

I've been up since 4am, I should really try something else.

Favoritsaker and Inreda are way too addictive.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Butts Hurts

For the past two months I've noticed alot of pain after I've been sitting on the sofa or when I need to get up from a chair. I thought maybe it was that I had been sitting too long or that maybe I just needed to give my muscles a workout. Apparently not. The pain is getting so bad that you'll rarely find me without a grimace when sitting on something soft. So maybe it's Coccydynia? It's supposed to be very common after childbirth. Hmmm. I just dread going to the doctor's and making an appointment because they'll ask me what the reason is.

Bitchy receptionist(she really is one of the town's top bitches): Yeah, so what's your problem that you need to see him?
Me: My butt hurts! (*Thinks: But at least it's not as ugly as your face... mwahahaha.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Talk about an upgrade!

Although I have been eyeing a few Canon models since I have only ever used canons, husband came home with such a wonderful surprise! My new baby - the Nikon D60.

Our trip to Prague in July just got alot more interesting. With Ørjan using my current point and shoot (Canon A620) and me using this new baby, we should have optimal and more organized photoshoots.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Busy busy busy.

Life has been hectic and none of us have really been sleeping too well. The move, the switching of our address, and calling all of our services have been pure chaos. Norwegian businesses usually close at the usual hour of 3pm and now that many are taking on summer hours it has been a pain in the butt to get ahold of certain people. Our appointments, errands, and schedules are frightening, we still haven't unpacked half of our stuff, and we're still living out of boxes. Sigh.

One plus? At least my latest to-do list is pretty much complete.

[ETA]: The last of our belongings were packed up yesterday and most of what we own is just sitting in such a sad state in one of the bedrooms. I can't believe 90% of what we own could be fit into one room. We don't plan on spending so much money for furniture or renovations, but owning a much larger house leaves us with so many posibilities that are too hard to choose from. I just wonder when we'll actually have the time for this considering our vacation schedule next month.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

In less than 14 hours everything was moved from one house to the next. If only unpacking and trying to figure out where everything will go was as easy. The only clear thought I've had about the move is that I am going to be so happy watching our children grow up here. This move was not just for us, but for them. We upgraded from our cozy old house (nearly 100 years old) to a spacious 3-bedroom home with 2 storeys and a huge attic that can easily be converted to guest space. We had to compromise on the view but we now have a great view of the mountains, gained an immense amount of property, and the location is still perfect for us.

Oh, but at the moment we're without a home phone or internet. I'm being a bad girl and stealing the neighbour's wireless for a few moments just to catch up because I'm too cheap to use my mobile phone's connection. Wah wah.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just a few quick updates:

  • Tomorrow begins PT.1 of our move to the new house. We're so not ready for this.
  • I FINALLY got my IUD inserted. I was supposed to get it in April but had to wait until today. Of course my period also arrived two weeks late on Wednesday but least I know I'm not pregnant and it made insertion so much easier. I swear, I didn't feel a thing. (But I guess having two kids also changes things...)
  • All of our contracts and paperwork have been signed and are being processed. We've also heard more great news from the bank, for once!
  • PT.1 of Ørjan's surprise birthday gift arrived today
  • Anemia sucks and having my period isn't helping things
  • We've been out almost every night and we (myself and the kids) aren't handling it well. It's really disrupting our usual schedules and routines.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm only popping on quickly since I'm still in the middle of packing and should really get back to it but I can't help but try to escape. Why? This might sound silly, but I cannot stand being downstairs right now. It's summer so we leave all the windows and doors open which means our cat go come in and out freely. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that his girlfriend is in heat and won't shut up, and won't stop following him into our house. I don't usually mind her, she's a tiny young cat that can't even claw us, but the howling and the constant need for our cat at all hours of the day and night is driving us crazy. It's especially hard since she lives next door to us and the owner doesn't seem to be around much. (Much like the previous owner of our own cat.) Now it's after 1pm which means that Magnus is trying to take his one and only nap of the day. For 20 minutes I heard him laughing and yelling because he could hear the cats outside of his bedroom window. I'm not worried about kittens being born because we had our cat fixed last year, but the idea of them having sex infront and behind our house isn't exactly what we want. Ørjan thinks it's funny but I think it's so irritating especially since they spend the entire day fucking, and then at night our cat wants to jump into bed with us to cuddle. Yeah it's nature and it's beautiful and all that crap... but the idea of him licking my face after he's just cleaned his genitals makes me slightly sour.

Oh well.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Me on Martha Stewart?


Well not personally, but it's still the thought that counts. The wonderful ladies over at cupcakestakethecake were featured on Martha Stewart for her cupcake week and as they were being introduced a screenshot of their blog was on the screen. Guess whose photo was on the top of that blog? Remember those rainbow cupcakes I made a while ago in March? Well I submitted a couple of them to the cupcakestakethecake flickr pool and one was picked up at their blog. They were some quick goodies that I threw together for the kids and didn't think much of it, but hey, it's still kind of cool. If you're interested, you can watch the full video (my photo comes up around 2:25-2:26 minutes into the episode) and find out more about these ladies and their blog.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I haven't forgotten about this place but rather life and its chaotic elements have caught up with me. Like what? Magnus has several back and side teeth coming in and is going through a terrible, "I am not going to eat a thing and I'm going to have diarrhea and you're going to like it!" phase. Needless to say my postpartum hormonal changes are not the only reasons for my hairloss. Our cat has also decided that he wants to show me how great he is at catching mice outside by bringing them in the house! As we all know cats like to play with their food before consuming it so of course these mice are still half alive... what? You figure it out - Mice running around the kitchen with two kids in the house? Yes. It's a trade off though. Our cat never shits in the house (we don't even own a litterbox) because he's more of an outdoor cat and we can go away for a couple of days without having to worry that he's starving. (Yes we leave dry food and water out, we're not completely cruel.) The move is also draining all my time an energy from anything remotely recreational. I fucking hate living out of boxes. Sometimes I want to smack Ørjan for packing up all my stuff before I even had a chance to organize it. I still haven't got my period yet which is scaring me. The past couple of days I've been slightly moody and had very light cramps so I'm hoping it'll show up any day now. Especially since I have an appointment next Friday for my IUD!

Ach. Ugh. Meh.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


A few things on my mind lately...

  • Pick up H&M order from post office
  • Send in Ellos online order
  • Buy Ørjan's birthday gifts online(pt.1)
  • Send/reply to emails
  • Find wedding outfit and shoes
  • Find wedding outfit for Sophie
  • Sophie's passport photos
  • Buy Susanne's wedding gift
  • Organize Magnus' old clothes for May Britt
  • Organize and pack away the office
  • Do laundry
  • Clean out fridge
  • Empty cupboards and organize kitchen for pre-move
  • Get haircut!!! (Appointment next week...)
  • Upload photos and order prints for mom
  • Get Sophie's passport

  • ##.06.08 - Moving to the new house
  • 06.06.08 - Doctor's appointment (11:30)
  • 10.06.08 - Meeting at the bank
  • 19.06.08 - Sophie's pediatrician appointment
  • 19.06.08 - Baby group
  • 21.06.08 - Susanne's Wedding
  • 12.07.08 - Shopping in Oslo and visiting friends
  • 13.07.08 - 18.07.08 - Prague vacation!
  • 19.07.08 - Passport/Canadian embassy in Oslo
  • 31.07.08 - Pediatritian appointments and vaccinations for the kids

Will edit this later...

Eurovision 2008 pt.1

Last night we all stayed up and watched the first part of the semifinals for the Eurovision Song Contest of 2008. Of course we were happy when Norway was called last (but not least!) as a finalist but were sadly disappointed with some of the songs that went through. (Og du fra Mosjøen, hva synes du om i går kveld?) I'm still going to hold my final thoughts for after the competition though. I posted a couple of my favourite songs from last night via my livejournal so head over there if you're interested. (It's a locked post though... so if you want them, email me.) My favourites from last night were Norway, Israel, and San Marino.

The Eurovision Song Contest is a very big deal in our household for several reasons but mainly due to Ørjan's fanatic love for it. He has decades of recordings on VHS and still continues to pop in a tape even today. He even fills out the scores for the contestants in a special that the newspaper prints. I think it's cute, slightly irritating, but cute. That's why I've decided that I'm going to buy him the first Eurovision collector's coin as an extra surprise gift for his birthday in July. Maybe I'll even get him this year's DVD despite its price and free availability online. Since he's a coin collector as well as a stamp collector, I think it'll be an unexpected treat for him. At least I hope so.

If you have no idea what I've been writing about feel free to read up on the contest via wikipedia or the official site.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Constitution Day 2008 Photos

They're mostly photos of Magnus, but here they are: Constitution Day 2008. I think he looks adorable in his outfit which is the suit Ørjan wore for his first Constitution Day in 1975. Unfortunately Magnus isn't as big so we had to leave the blue overalls at home. Still, so cute. I think he has an Emil thing going on.

may1703 may1709
may1715 may1712
may1724 may1718
may17cc04 may17cc05 may17lunch01

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gratulerer med den syttende mai

Happy 17th of May! I'm not going to sing Ja, vi elsker dette landet, but we will be hanging the flag and I will be making a few treats today. And it even looks like we'll be having some decent weather this year unlike the past couple of years. Maybe if it's sunny we will take the kids out for the festivities. And boo to it being on a Saturday this year.

I'll come back and edit this later with photos.

Oh, and wtf? Music woke me up at 04:30 this morning. I've never heard it this early on the 17th of May. Oh well.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Upgrade, Downgrade

It's definitely going to be a year about upgrades in our family, but luckily we've been able to find opportunities for downgrading items and services that aren't essential. Just like anyone we're on a tight budget (I'm much more strict than Ørjan when it comes to money), but we've still managed to be slightly indulgent this year, and plan to take advantage of some extra money that we have. Usually I like to hoard away money and save it for emergencies and the future, but I have a serious weaknes for lavishing and spoiling my loved ones and indulging on accessories and items for my home.

This year's downgrades:
  • Cancelled several satellite packages - Since many of packages we subcribe to include channels that we don't really watch, we decided to cancel them and look for other options. I'm not suggesting that satellite piracy is acceptable, but I will say that Canal+ stations are easy to find.
  • Did not renew a few magazine subscriptions - A few home decor mags that I've been subscribing to for the past couple of years have just become too expensive, and I found that I probably only looked through them no more than twice. With an increased price and more ads than anything, I'm now saving hundreds of dollars a year by just cancelling two subscriptions.
  • Online shopping - I decided that I needed to stop the impulse of online shopping. I used to see it as a necessity to buy clothes, home items, and stuff for the kids at least once every 3 months, but now I only stick to buying when there are massive sale promotions.
  • Less baking - This isn't just about money, but it involves our health. I used to test out new recipes for cakes, breads, cookies, and other sweet treats every other weekend. I always look for the best possible ingredients and if a bar of baking chocolate with 70+% cocoa was costing me around $5.00, and I used 3 bars for making brownies, that turned out to be one expensive brownie! Since I also made husband my official tastetester/guinea pig, I realized I needed to stop pumping him full of sugar and cocoa and get him back on hummus and veggie lasagnes. So that's it - I only stick to baking when it's a special occasion, or company is involved.
  • Mobile maddness - At one point we owned 4 mobile phones. Why? I have no idea. Now we own two with better plans, and only revert back to the old ones when it's necessary. (Switching the sim cards over due to low battery or other technical issues.)

The upgrades:
  • The house - We needed a bigger house for our growing family. There's nothing more to explain.
  • The kitchen - The house we're moving to already has a functional kitchen (and a dishwasher!) but we're still going to tear everything out. The cabinets are a bit old, the countertops have seen better days, and the entire kitchen is dated. It's going to cost us around Kr 40 000, but it will all be worth it in the end. We're also custom-designing this kitchen so it will suit all our needs and it will have the exact pieces that we want.
  • Electronic equipment - We opted to get a more powerful wireless router due to our larger house and property. It's not like we'll be sitting on the toilet catching up on news feeds, but it would be nice to have a higher speed/rate in other rooms of the house. I'm also looking to buy a new camera. I'm leaning slightly towards a Nikon instead of a Canon this time, but with the lower prices of the model I wanted last year, I just might invest in 2 cameras!
There's alot of money being passed around and spent, but with the sacrifices and investments we're making I believe it's totally worth it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The good news post!

A few appreciated opportunities, promotions, and gifts have landed in my lap as of lately.

  • I was offered an amazing job. I won't go into much detail now but I am still grinning. If only I had the time to accept it now. Hopefully when I'm ready to return back to the working world it will still be open.
  • Futureshop's photo programme is closing and are moving their clients over to the kodakgallery. As a thankyou and new welcome gift, all current customers were given 100 free 4x6 prints. Although I'm not in Canada, I thought uploading and ordering prints would be a fabulous idea. It would make a great gift for my mom to have photos of the kids (since she's missing out on them growing up) and she could also pass them along to other family members over there.
  • Yet another reason why I love ThisNext: Mavens received $10.00 gift certificates for iTunes. I'm not sure whether I'll use it, but you never know.
  • Sales, shopping, and steals: With a new season approaching there have been massive sales online at Ellos and H&M. Although I probably only spent $50 on myself, I have spent over $300 on clothes for the kids. Hey - when there's a sale you need to stock up! Kids grow up fast and they always need new clothes for all seasons and occasions. We've also picked up items and antiques for our new home at various second-hand shops. I will post pics later when I find the time.
Vacation is also coming up soon. I can't wait to get back to Prague in July. We love this city so much and plan on taking advantage of our time there. A week in mid-July is just what the doctor ordered. I'm also trying to fit in an extra day to visit Stockholm but it's 50-50 now. At least we'll have a couple of days in Oslo to shop, visit friends, and take in the city. I can't lie - I can't wait to go shopping. Living up here in no-man's land doesn't provide us with many options for anything. The idea of having everything at your fingertips is overwhelming but welcomed.
I haven't posted in almost two weeks. Hmmm. I suppose all the packing and cleaning (not to mention obsessive organizing) has kept me away. There are so many things I think about posting, but the updates seem less important as the days go by. I don't know, maybe I just don't have time for this anymore. I've been keeping a blog since 2001 and have always kept it public with a registered domain, but lately I feel like it's completely unnecessary. I really don't have time for much of anything these days that isn't related to the kids, food, or work. It's a shame too since I have so many ideas that flash through my mind at a constant pace. Anyhow...

The move is keeping us incredibly busy. The new owners (which should become official by the end of next week) are always popping in asking questions and taking measurements, there is a mass of stored items that need to be given away or tossed, and we're short on boxes and large garbage bags for clothes and other items. Almost every night Ørjan is on my laptop designing our new kitchen with his IKEA programme. Despite thinking it's sweet (since the kitchen is MY room and it's his gift to me) it's also annoying having him keep me up at night with the laptop in bed. That's another thing - I barely sleep. I have so little time and my mind is so scattered during the afternoons that when I should be napping I'm making lists and organizing things that probably don't require it.

I wish I had more time to laugh a bit easier but there's so little time to enjoy moments that warrant laughter. I wonder if this is due to life, parenthood, or life as a parent. I'm happy, but just tired. At least I have nothing to complain about. I have my health, a wonderful family, and opportunities that I never thought I'd have.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We're movin' on up!

This morning I dragged us out to see the new house. Ørjan and his parents visited it for inspection last night while I watched the kids so I was very eager to see it once again. I practically nagged Ørjan out of bed early, fed and dressed the kids, and pushed us out the door despite the rainfall. Yep, I still love it. We went through every room taking measurements and notes, and I ran around photographing every inch. We have so many plans and are so eager to move in, but in all honesty, I'm still sad to be leaving this place and I dread having to pack everything. What's funny is that while we were leaving and walking down the driveway, the couple that bought our house was driving by and stopped us. Maybe it's a sign that we're meant to move on and forward.


We're both getting ahead of ourselves with the renovation planning, but it's also nice to know that Ørjan is also willing to be part of the decor of the house. We've already made lists, tagged our catalogues, and made notes of which items and which stores we'll be scouring for antiques when we visit Prague this summer. I guess we're just so excited that things are finally working out.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron helps us play!

You'd think I would have known better, but I suppose I was just too tired to even consider the idea. The past week has been incredibly draining and I hadn't been eating properly. Since Ørjan was working overtime and they were providing them with dinner, I didn't really see the point of making anything and stuck to soups and some frozen veg. I was also skipping my daily vitamin cocktail since my routine was off. I wasn't sleeping, was stressed out with the kids, and wasn't eating properly. On top of it all I just finished my period a couple of days ago. I already have a history of anemia due to my close pregnancies, why the hell didn't I consider it this time? I just thought it was due to the lack of sleep during the past week. Falling asleep around 12am and waking up at 7am, and tending/nursing Sophie a few times during the night seemed manageable, but this was just crazy fatigue and I couldn't understand it.

For the past three days I have been so tired that I honestly thought I might be pregnant again. The intense fatigue, the dizziness and headaches, and the abdominal pain were hints to pregnancy, but since I had just finished my period and we hadn't had sex it just didn't seem right. I was wanting to nap all day, and when I'd wake up from a nap, I'd fall back asleep. I had no energy whatsoever and was very irritable. (Bless Ørjan for having patience with me.)

Why can I be so dumb sometimes. Why do I always neglect my health to the point where I can't function? Thank god Ørjan bought some incredible iron tablets last month. I took a few of them with juice and already feel better.

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's hard to think that it's all over. When we first decided to put the house up for sale we were uncertain, but knew it had to be done. Ørjan was extremely reluctant but I gave him the favourite jeans metaphor and he soon realized it was time to move on. (I'm sure everyone has a favourite pair of clothing that they eventually wear, tear, and need to replace.) We were toying with the idea of increasing our loan to build out, but I knew if we built out, we'd lose most of our property and it might not be worth the money or effort. We have two children and need to consider what's best for them. After years of unhappiness about living in Norway I realized I was wrong. This place is great for families and we should be trying to find a home that suits our new life. He was somewhat stuck on the idea of moving to Canada but I just can't conceive living there. I loved growing up there, but life over here is much slower and values are different.

We're so lucky to be able to look out from our windows and see the mountains and fjørds. There is little to no crime here, we live our windows and doors unlocked, and the air is so crisp and clean. Summers are gorgeous with the midnight sun, the lack of humidity, and boatrides and trips to the beach are just a 10 minute walk from home. I used to think that living in such a small town was ruining my life, but now I enjoy having the comfort of closer neighbours and people that stop to say hello. (Despite the fact that everyone gossips like mad.) Anyhow... this was totally not what I was going to write about.

The new house is great. We wanted it last year but missed out, but believe it was now the right time. The couple that will be taking over our house wants to move in quickly and we have no problem with that since we're also eager to move, but I'm going to be so sad when we have to hand over the keys and everything is finalized. We put so much time, money, and effort into this place and now we're giving it away. My sadness for losing this place even trumps my happiness for our new house. Oh well. It's life.

More later.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's Done!

It's all over. The paperwork will be going through soon.

Our house sold yesterday, and we bought a new one today. This is an incredible feeling because we got the house we wanted last year.

More later.

ps: Happy May Day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Universe:3 - Candace:0

Happy Earth Day! It's incredibly gorgeous outside and I'm confident that we won't have another freak snowfall. The weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and it doesn't become dark until around 11pm. Summer is on its way. This is probably the only positive thing I have to report today.

Yesterday morning I went to the doctor's for my birth control appointment. He was supposed to insert a copper IUD but it never happened. I took a routine blood and urine test just to make sure I wasn't pregnant. (OMG NO! We have been so careful because I can not risk getting pregnant for a third time within 3 years!) It came back negative, but apparently there were traces of bacteria and he was concerned I might have an UTI (urinary tract infection). I was told to come back the next day to see if my tests results did infact indicate an infection (bacteria was growing) and that if I had one he would just prescribe medication and give me the IUD at the same time. Ok... not a problem. I wanted to be safe as well.

So here I am half running and half walking to the healthstation (running because Ørjan was late coming home to watch the kids) and I tripped and fell! I ripped the knee of my pants, my right knee and leg were incredibly scraped up, and I heard a loud crack from my left foot. I was rushing to get to the doctor's for nothing because get this - it came back negative for an infection! At least he cleaned and bandaged my leg. Did I mention I got my period this morning? YES! OH MY MOTHERFUCKING GOD! And IUD can be set in at any time (and is perfectly ok to be inserted during a period) but he said we should wait until near the end of it so that we could better monitor if there is any heavy bleeding afterwards. I completely understand but what the hell? Is the universe against me being on birth control? I've already been cursed with being so fucking fertile (My period returned 6 weeks after I gave birth to Magnus, and 3 weeks after I gave birth to Sophie) and there is no way in hell that I am going to risk getting pregnant a third time. Obviously we're using condoms but we both hate them and are both wanting forms of birth control. Maybe all of this is just too much information for some of you, but this is my reality. Two kids in two years and fabulous fertility - I WANT BIRTH CONTROL NOW! Obviously the breastfeeding exclusively isn't an option because despite doing it with both my children my period returned so quickly.

Ach. I'm just so frustrated. I got my period, I fell and scraped my knee and leg, and I still don't have any birth control. Come on universe - Give me a break already!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I love my kids so much.

Flickr just got alot more wonderful. VIDEO! Now I'm glad I renewed my pro/paid account.

Exit 75, I'm still alive.

I haven't had the chance to post anything as of lately due to several reasons. Obviously life can be busy, but when your back goes out and you end up sick and having to take care of two sick kids it's pure chaos. With our house being sold and our constant hunt for a new place we have very little time for ourselves. Here's what you might have missed...

Last Thursday my already aching back went out. I thought I could just shrug it off with a good night's rest but it just wasn't the case. As the weekend approached it became increasingly more painful to the point where I couldn't even turn two degrees to the left. I spent a couple of days in bed and had to ask Ørjan to take a few days off from work to help me out. All that terrible twisting, bending, and lifting combined with my post-partum bekkenløsning had put me out of commission. Not only was I crying due to the pain, I was also feeling incredibly guilty that I couldn't even pick up my kids. It also didn't help that all three of us were sick. Thank god that Ørjan has some patience. To top things off April hasn't been the slowest month either. On the days that I've wanted to rest and recooperate I've had to shock myself awake and drag my exhausted ass out the door.

The Schedule:

08.04.01 - Magnus' & Sophie's pediatric appointments (11:00)
08.04.01 - Appointment with my midwife (birth control) 12:00
08.04.01 - Magnus' & Sophie's doctor appointments (14:00)
08.04.04 - Kids' Dental Group @ healthstation (13:00)
08.04.05 - Family Meeting @ healhtstation (12:30)
08.04.05 - Meeting with the realtor
08.04.11 - Family meeting (11:00)
08.04.12 - House viewings
08.04.16 - House appraisal
08.04.21 - Doctor's appointment for birth control (09:50)
08.05.14 - Magnus' & Sophie's pediatric appointments

I'm sure there was more that I wanted to post but I'm just too tired right now. I'll come back and edit this later.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Boy for sale...

It's official. We signed the contracts this afternoon. Our house, our little baby, it's now for sale. :(

Our agent was very optimistic that we could get our asking price or more very quickly and also let it slip that a few more places are going up for sale in the next little while.

Now we wait.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Waiting Game of Real Estate

We are in quite a dilema at the moment. The notion of moving has always been there and it's burning a severely smoldered hole in the back of my head. Should we move to Canada? Should we find a bigger place in Hemnesberget? Should we try moving to the south? When we found out that I was pregnant with Sophie it was immediate chaos when it came to our current residence. Do we move or do we build out the house? Ørjan has already created several floorplans for the three rooms and is anxious to get started, but I on the otherhand have no desire to build out just yet (since the kids are so young and there's no rush) and would rather wait to see if something else comes out on the market. We live in a small place with a huge elderly demographic. (It's only a matter of time before they move to a nursing/retirement home or umm... die, right? Then I'm sure a house will go up.) There are a couple of places for sale in our town but they just haven't seemed right.

There's a house for sale (was previously owned by good friends) that we've thought about but it requires massive renovation outside (insulation and panels). The profit we'd earn from selling our current house would probably go towards that and not interior renovation or redecorating. Sigh.

  • The house is HUGE - 4 bedrooms and 3 full floors
  • Located in a family/child-friendly neighbourhood
  • Was recently renovated x2 (But I'd like to gut some of it... Just not my style)
  • We'd be starting again - new house means redecorating and new home projects!

  • We'd be losing the gorgeous view that we already have!
  • We'd no longer be in the sentrum (We don't own a car - the walk in the winter would be tougher.)
  • We'd have to let go of a house we've put so much time, effort, and money into. (Then and Now)
  • Our nextdoor neighbour would be one of the town's police officers (My life is not a BBC police-mystery series)

Anyhow... We still have alot more to think about. We might call the owner today and go for a quick browse to get a better feeling since looking at photos online can only give you so much.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's Next

Now that things have calmed down and holidays are over I'm looking forward to getting a headstart on this list. My goal is to achieve and complete this list by the end of April or mid-May, but with two kids, some new projects I've insanely taken on, and all the appointments we have scheduled I wonder if I'm being too hopeful. At least I can be enthusiastic, right?

  • Complete framework painting in our bedroom
  • Complete shelving in kids' room
  • Take passport photos/Apply for Sophie's passport
  • Send carepackage to Kristin in Australia
  • Reply to all mail
  • Book apartment for Prague Trip 2008
  • Complete proposal for cooking workshop
  • Renew subscription for ROM 1.2.3
  • Save/Burn photo archives
  • Organize Spring/Summer wardrobe
  • Send photos with thankyou cards to Canada
  • Begin cardio again! (6 weeks has already passed!)
  • Birth control

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello, cupcake!

Being the last day of Easter holidays I decided to bake some cupcakes for the kids. (Magnus and neighbourhood/friends' kids) They are so good but so bad for you. 3 cups of sugar for 3 dozen chocolate cupcakes? Wowza.

cupcakes01 cupcakes04 cupcakes05 cupcakes09

I have so many left and have no idea what to do with them now. I don't want them in the house for fear of eating them! I need to start losing this baby weight now!!! Having 2 kids in 1 year did a real number on my body. There's a wedding coming up in June so I really have to find some willpower... hopefully... maybe.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Marimekko Madness

So the New York Times unleashed a sneak peak at the new clothing line being released with H&M but I'm completely disappointed. Yeah yeah, the prints are typical of Marimekko and the latest Spring and Summer trends of 2008, but I have to admit I was expecting something more... and maybe something a bit more rounded. Even the Marimekko free fabric placemats they're including with Findus ready-meals are more inspiring than the H&M line. (Bare i Sverige tror jeg...) Now I'm reading that Marimekko is making hook-ups with Avon for a beauty line? And of course it'll be featuring the trademark Unikko print. Sigh.

I guess I was just hoping for a little bit more since I am always amazed with Marimekko fabrics. Oh well.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


You've got to be fucking kidding me. I just got my period.

Not even 4 weeks after giving birth and I've ovulated already! WHAT. THE. FUCK. After I gave birth to Magnus I thought it was unbelievable and slightly unfair that mine returned after just 6 weeks, but what the hell? I am breastfeeding exclusively - Why can't I just take advantage of one of its benefits? No wonder I've been so moody lately... damnit. Easter holidays are almost here (Ørjan has a week off from work) and I planned on having sex sometime during the week but it's not going to happen now. I'm bloated, moody, and menstruating. I also probably only sleep 4 hours a night and don't have time to nap during the day due to my screaming children. I can't believe Ørjan still tries to hold my hand under the covers at night. I must be a horrible mess during the day and yesterday I did yell at him when he came home for his lunch break... ugh. Very bad. I can't believe my period has led to an epiphany.

Maybe something good did come from getting it this early.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Semi-sinful weekend

To sum up this weekend in one sentence: We sent Magnus to his grandma's in hopes of being able to relax and enjoy ourselves for just one night. I had originally thought that if we sent Magnus off for the weekend that we might be able to steal a few hours to ourselves since Sophie usually falls asleep after she eats. This was not the case at all! The plans were to eat a more adult dinner with slightly more gourmet flair than my usual weeknight dinners (which already can be fancy schmancy), relaxing on the sofa and indulging in chocolate truffles, and ending the evening with some... Ahem, lovin'. Of course nothing ever goes as planned. Let me explain...

I had somewhat of a quiet morning when Ørjan dropped Magnus off and also did some shopping in town. I was slightly disappointed that I couldn't go into town since I haven't been there for ages, but at least staying home with Sophie meant resting and relaxing. Instead of catching up on sleep (which I really should have done) I baked a few dozen cookies to have on hand and also to give to relatives and friends when we go visiting or have visitors. (I made chocolatechunk and triple chocolate cookies if you're interested.) When you have a new baby you always have people drop in! It wasn't so bad at all - The house was quiet, I only had Sophie to look after, and I was able to be alone and do something I enjoy: baking. Sophie fussed for a little while, but she slept for most of the morning. Around 3pm when Ørjan walked through the door things spiraled downward. From 3-9 she had terrible gas and was extremely fussy. We were seriously considering that it might be colic, but I knew that with all the vomiting and gas from both ends that her stomach must have really been bothering her. Instead of having a quiet evening together it was nothing but stress, crying, and exhaustion. The evening we had planned together wasn't going as anticipated. At least around 10pm she passed out after a final feeding and a nice long bath. The only trouble was that now both Ørjan and I were frustrated and had no energy to carry out the evening. I won't elaborate with details but we definitely exchanged some words. (We don't ever really fight, but rather have exhausting conversations that draw out alot of fears and emotions.) Already exhausted we spent over two hours talking in bed about how frustrated we were until we passed out.

At least our morning was better (this explains the title) and we managed to jump a certain hurdle - sex. It's been over a month since we last had sex and despite my pregnancy books suggesting a low sex drive after birth, this has never been the case with me. We both woke up in a much better and amorous mood, had protected sex (DEFINITELY no more babies for me this year!), and feasted on chocolate for breakfast. We also slept in an extra hour since we didn't have to attend to an oh-so-active Magnus that shakes me out of bed every morning at 8. Sex, chocolate, and sleep? As a parent that has very little time to stop and enjoy the small indulgences and pleasures of life, I can definitely say this weekend was semi-sinful.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sexy time for exhausted parents

Lately it hasn't been so easy to hold back my short temper with Ørjan and I've been feeling extremely guilty about this. With all the extra work and lack of sleep we've been facing neither of us has had the energy or drive to even pretend like we're in the mood for... anything. Any chance we have to be intimate (this does not include sex since I don't feel ready for it just yet) is always passed up for a quick nap or household work that needs to be done. This weekend however was a different story.

Ørjan is incredibly sentimental but definitely not a romantic. Friday was a complete shock when I hesitated to follow him when he took my hand. He had just put Magnus down for a nap, Sophie was sleeping, and Ørjan took it upon himself to take me by the hand, asked me to follow him, and he guided me to the sofa in the living room where he had blankets and pillows ready and wanted me to sleep on/against him while he sat behind me. I only had time to sleep for a half an hour but it was very nice. Later in the night when we were in bed ready to pass out he said, "You know I wish we had time to do what he did today... that we had more time to cuddle." Just the fact that these words slipped from his lips made me completely melt with shock. He's not very talented at expressing his feelings, but just this small effort meant so much to me. Saturday night we spent almost two hours making out like we were the TLF boyfriend and girlfriend that you might encounter in highschool. It was wonderful despite the fact that we sacrificed sleep for intimacy or what he likes to call, "Sexy Time".

The weekend was fabulous. I doubt I need to say more.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's next? This!

Yesterday morning a notice came in the mail from UPS Norway that there was a package waiting for me at the post office. To my surprise it was a welcome gift for thisnext mavens. Ørjan was so anxious to see what it was that he literally ripped open the box while we were down there. Unfortunately the thisnext maven M'n'Ms were slightly crushed and mangled during shipping. Oh well. I was pleasantly surprised to see that a gelaskin that I had listed/recommended was included in the package. Sweet!


Did I mention that I love free stuff?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Despite the leapyear...

I can't believe February is almost over. It's almost like this month never really happened due to the chaos and busy scheduling I found myself in. Three of the biggest events were: Magnus celebrated his first birthday, we celebrated the Chinese New Year, and I gave birth to Sophie. With March lurking not so far away I'm optimistic that things can only get better. February came in and left so quickly that I never managed to accomplish everything that I had intended to.

Anyhow... It's so lovely outside at the moment that I'm almost tempted to take the kids out for a walk... but after 15 minutes the weather changes drastically and it's nothing but horrid wet snow and rain. Meh. This February is nothing like last year.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sophie equals love.

If it's possible, each day we fall in love with her even more. From the first moment that they placed her on my chest, and the first moment that Ørjan held her, it was instant love. Magnus is such a nice big brother to her (he strokes her head and puts his cheek to her face) and we have noticed positive changes in him towards his younger sister. I have also noticed how smitten Ørjan has become with her and I think it's wonderful... It actually makes me feel like I did when I was beginning to fall in love with him. There was an instant psychological connection this time when I saw my own face and my own ethnic traits in her. (I can't tell you how tired I am of hearing just how much Magnus looks like his dad... as if I had nothing to do with him!) I love when she cries, I love when she stares at me, and I even love the faces she makes when she messes her diaper... She is wonderful.

canada03 IMG_7790b IMG_7898b

I heard myself say the word daughter when I was calling upstairs to Ørjan and at first I had to stop and think about it. I have a daughter. I was always overjoyed that I was a mother to a fantastic little boy, but now I'm also the mother to a wonderful girl. Of all the experiences in my life that have equated happiness, nothing can compare to what this is and what this means to me. I love this feeling.


Bare et spørsmål - Hvem er du... Eller, hvem er dere? (Hemnes og Telemark) Kanskje jeg er bare litt nysgjerrig men kom igjen! Er det Ørjan eller meg som du lurer på? Det er jo ikke farlig til å si hei av og til og du kan kommentere hvis du ønsker.

God natt.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ech, bite me!

Ugh, 10 minutes in a dental chair cost me 1300 kr today but I had to be there. After I gave birth the top left side of my mouth was throbbing. Two thoughts immediately ran through my head last week: "God I hope this is only a cavity" and "I hope this isn't my wisdom tooth coming in..." It turns out that it was both! I had a small cavity at the back that needed to be taken care of, and oh jeezs... It turns out that that my wisdom tooth had already come in. Having those pesky extra teeth coming in was always in the back of my mind (my dentist in Canada said they'd probably show up by the time I was 22 or 23) but I was optimistic that I might have another year or two. Today was also the first day I've left the house and of course it was to get dental work done.

At least after I was out of there I ran into a few of my friends and Ørjan's family. People have been very curious as to who Sophie looks like and I was very proud that at least this time I could introduce one of my children that actually looks like me!

Anyhow, nap time. If I can get in 30 minutes I know it'll set everything right. More later because I do have some news!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Day of Rest

Ørjan's mom is here for the day (and maybe the night?!) so that I can get some rest while she's watching after Magnus. I can't tell you how good it feels to get in a nap! I haven't had one for days and this morning it really hit me hard. She took Magnus out for a walk and a visit to his great uncle's, and I ended up getting in 30 minutes of rest before Ørjan came home for lunch. Now I have no idea what I'm going to do with all this extra time to myself. I know I should really be resting, but I want to get some things done around the house. While I am completely grateful and appreciative of Ørjan's mom's effort to help us, I'm still slightly hesitant about letting her take the reigns so much. I can see that she's spoiling Magnus a bit and it starting to interfere with the rules we're trying to put down at the moment.

Anyhow... time for a shower. It feels great knowing I can get in a shower without stressing out.

I signed up for PPP!

I've just signed up for payperpost on a whim since I've seen so many blogs feature it. At first I was somewhat synical and skeptical about the programme, but after joining I can honestly say that I was wrong - payperpost is great. I haven’t been signed up for too long, but after being approved so quickly I was amazed with the opportunities that are offered. It may appear that members are only directed to promote products for advertizers but it's not that at all - you choose to write about products and services that you're interested in and believe are worth it. There are organizations, products, and services that offer valuable deals as well as information for people that are always in search of these. For a cautious consumer like myself I welcome reading and promoting these. One thing to also consider is that like any relationship between the advertizer and the blogger, there is also a word of mouth ethics policy that is in place. There are strict policies in order which protect both sides from giving the impression of conflict of interest.

I suppose what I like best about payperpost is that you can also choose to donate the money you make to organizations like Habitat for Humanity and The American Red Cross. For people that are always striving to help others but aren't sure where to begin, you can take 10 minutes by blogging to do it - it's just that easy. There's no pressure to post anything and you can make honest reviews. Maybe what I like best about payperpost is that it delivers what it promises. You actually MAKE money and you don't have to wait an eternity to receive it either. As a mother of 2 children under the age of 2 I love how I can easily make extra money from home just by blogging. I would definitely recommend payperpost for others out there that might be in the same situation.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 2

It's day number two of having both kids at home. The first day was a bit hard mainly due to Magnus' behaviour (Not pointing blame, but he was acting like a spoiled brat after spending a week at grandma's) but we got through it. I actually find it slightly easier to take care of two children under the age of two than being pregnant and taking care of a toddler. Magnus is very curious and actually very gentle with his little sister, but I sense that he's feeling slightly left out when we hold her. I don't think it's jealousy, but we see that he's very impatient and needy now. He constantly wants to be picked up and held whenever we show her attention. I won't lie, it's hard it hold them both at the same time. Sometimes while I'm breastfeeding her in my lap I have to pick him up with my free arm and put him next to me. While I have no problem with this, it's a struggle because he'll want down back to the floor, and only minutes later he'll want back up on the sofa with me. Doing this several times while trying to feed Sophie is not an easy task. At least Sophie isn't a screamer and she sleeps for most of the day so I really only need to worry about Magnus for the most part.

I'm not as exhausted as everyone expects me to be which I suppose is a plus, but maybe I'm a fool for not trying to ask for more help or try to slip in a nap when possible. I just don't really feel like it at the moment. I spent the last 3-4 months extremely tired while carrying Sophie and having to run after Magnus, and now that I'm no longer pregnant I have so much more energy that I want to use. I want to be doing the things I wasn't able to do in the past couple of months. Eh. Tomorrow Ørjan's mom is coming by to help me... whatever that means. If this means looking after Magnus I have no problem with it.

I think now I'll try to catch a quick 30 minute nap while I can. Sophie is sleeping and Ørjan is upstairs napping Magnus so I really have nothing else to do. I wanted to do a few other things but I'm afraid I'd make too much noise in the house.

More later... I still want to post something that is completely unrelated to babies. :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm sure it has to do with the fact that I haven't spent the week holding Magnus, and I'm sure it probably is because I've only been occupied with Sophie, but holy cow - Magnus looks huge! He looks like he's shot up a couple of centimetres and it looks like he put on at least a kilo! My little guy is home and now he looks so much older. It's strange.

The weekend has been slow and we've been able to relax, the only probably is that now, and only now, has my fatigue started to kick in. Ørjan goes back to work tomorrow and I'll be here alone taking care of Sophie and Magnus... Who knows how it will be. As long as I get enough sleep tonight I'm sure I'll be able to handle things.

Must sleep now. I really want to post something but it'll have to wait until tomorrow when I have more time.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


  • She's here - little Sophie Elizabeth Martinussen is here! I will post something later when I'm not so tired.
  • Our daughter is on the front page of the paper! Unfortunately the article I was interviewed for misquoted me saying that I had given birth at a large department in Canada. What I did say was that I had a child HERE and that from experiences I've heard of (from friends in Canada) is that you're more like a number and you're in and out. I said that I had good experiences here and that I felt more safe and confident about the relationships with the staff and wasn't sure you could achieve the same satisfaction in a larger place. Oh well. After the interview I wondered if she could possibly misinterpret what I had said. Too late. Although I did mention that when I had my son I was in that specific hospital for more than a week. Maybe it just makes the article more interesting and convincing (about closing smaller maternity wards in our regions) but still, a little bit sad. At least it's exciting even with the misunderstanding. Our little girl is in the paper!
  • I'm feeling healthy and fine (despite the engorged monster boobs) and want to go out but the weather is horrible. I should try to rest but I just can't. There are too many things on my mind right now. Magnus is still having a nice vacation at his grandma's but I do want him home because I've missed him so much. We're torn between having a nice relaxed weekend to settle in with Sophie but we'd also like Magnus to be a part of it.

Monday, February 11, 2008


magnuspizza02 gaver18 gaver08

I love him so much.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Ugh, I should really be heading off to bed but here I am half passed out on the sofa watching old episodes of Samurai Champloo. It's been an exhausting day and I would have no problem trading it all for a can of diet pepsi with lemon.

I didn't mention it earlier but at my last ultrasound on Monday the midwife told me she believed I would probably go past my due date. WHAT?! I also received the news that our baby isn't really growing (packing on the weight) as it should be in these last weeks. I'm not too worried because it's still measuring between 34-38 weeks and past the 3kg mark, but still. We believe it was around the 30-32 week mark that Magnus stopped putting on weight (born full term as 2kg) and it makes me wonder if there's something wrong with me. Well, at least at this point we've decided this will be the last time we have another child... for a VERY long time. Ørjan is quite pleased knowing we'll be having a girl (or so they say) and that his job is done.

Anyhow, like I said. The day was exhausting. Maybe I'll post something tomorrow when I can compose my thoughts and concentrate on something more than complaining.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Almost a year already?


I can't believe our little guy is almost 1! Today I found myself hugging him and saying, "You've been outside mummy's tummy for a year." Every day with him brings us so much pride and joy. This afternoon I finished wrapping up the last of his gifts and tried to decide upon the baked goodies that I'll make for his birthday celebrations on Friday. I've always wanted to plan a party for a kid/baby and now that I can, I'm so overwhelmed! I wanted to go with a theme but I think I'll wait for another occasion when he's older.

I also tried taking some photos suitable for submitting to Rana Blad for their birthday announcements but it was so difficult... I really only ended up with outtakes!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catnapping = Kidnapping?

Something very strange happened today.

I was sitting on the sofa looking out the window just after feeding Magnus (he likes to sit by the window while he's eating) and saw a teenaged girl walk down to our front door. She stood there for a few minutes so I figured she had seen our cat sitting outside and came down to give him kos. The next thing I know I see her turn her back and struggle for a few seconds and she starts walking up to the road to meet her friend.

OK. What the hell just happened?

I quickly ran to the door, yelled out in my best Norwegian (I decided to use dialect and slang) and asked where she was going with my cat. She looked completely stunned. I thought it was funny because our cat lept out of her arms and ran into the house, and she looked like an idiot trying to walk off with my cat.

I wasn't so much mad as I was shocked. Why would someone walk up to someone's front door and take their cat? If he was outside playing and was metres and metres away from our house I would understand (alot of cats are outdoor cats here) but come on, my front door? Would someone please explain it to me?

My biological clock is digital.

Just counting down the days... When is this kid going to get here? I'm not the only one who is anxious either. Every night in bed whether it's an easy one or not, Ørjan turns to me in semi-panic and asks if I'm ok. Last night he even turned to me while I was half asleep and said, "Hospital Soon". Ha, like I don't know that already. Each time I plop myself on the toilet I expect to see bloody show but sigh... nothing just yet. Around this time last year I was only days away from going into labour. I keep expecting to go into labour just like I did last year despite the fact that I know every pregnancy and labour is different. I just find it strange that I'm also exhibiting the same behaviours and cravings that I did before I went into labour. The last meals I ate before going to the hospital consisted of salmon and wouldn't you know it... salmon tonight because I've been craving salmon all week. I've also felt more comfortable and at ease than I have during the past couple of weeks. Oh well, we'll see!

Tomorrow I have an appointment scheduled and of course I'm going to have the other Swedish doctor that fills in for Grela. Despite the fact that he's just a substitute for my doctor, he's actually more like my permanent family doctor because I always seem to have him when I go to the health station. He was the first doctor I ever used in Norway, he was the first doctor to examine me when I was pregnant with Magnus (and actually did my other examinations), has performed all my emergency tasks, and he's very easy to talk to... Even if he switches between Swedish and English all the time! Ørjan will be coming home to watch Magnus (which is fabulous) so at least I'll have a little time to myself to get ready. I just wish he didn't feel so paranoid about taking time off work. At least Odd Erik has been positive and said he's ok with giving him the time.

It's now 8pm and I feel another burst of energy coming on. I think I'll go do a few loads of laundry and then search for some recipes for a better buttercream icing. (Decided to make a few dozen mini cupcakes for Magnus' 1st birthday.)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ut på tur, aldri sur!

Mother's Day is coming up and I've been hinting to this... seriously. WANT THIS.

That is all.

[EDIT]: Ørjan bought it for me!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Could you schedule me a break?

A few things I've been up to... And I still keep pushing myself because I'm desperate and too anxious at this point!

  • Magnus' and next baby's laundry
  • Organize drawers for baby clothing
  • Assemble new twin wagon
  • Pack hospital bag
  • Pack Magnus's bag (He'll be staying with his farmor while I'm in the hospital)
  • Clean out the fridge (OMG we had mystery prawns leftover from December! Ugh!)
  • Detailed clean of living room
  • Flip and vacuum the sofa cushions
  • Organize magazines from subscriptions
  • Put up new shelving for livingroom
  • Clean bedroom
  • Rearrange furniture in baby's room
  • Clean out inbox
  • Start decorating for Chinese New Year
  • Send in forms for Magnus
  • Send application to renew my residence in Norway

  • 04.01.08 - Appointment with midwife 12:30
  • 14.01.08 - Ultrasound at hospital 11:00
  • 17.01.08 - Babyground & Magnus' appointment 13:00
  • 22.01.08 - Pregnancy appointment with doctor 09:40 (labwork)
  • 23.01.08 - Pregnancy appointment with doctor 14:10
  • 31.01.08 - Pregnancy appointment with doctor 10:50

  • 04.02.08 - Ultrasound at hospital 11:00
  • 07.02.08 - Magnus' first birthday!!!
  • 07.02.08 - Chinese New Year
  • 12.02.08 - Pregnancy appointment with doctor 10:50 (If I haven't already given birth!)
  • 13.02.08 - Sophie was born today!!!
  • 19.02.08 - Checkup at hospital with midwife 10:30
  • 22.02.08 - Dental appointment 12:30
  • 25.02.08 - Helsesøster appointment (housecall) for Sophie
  • 29.02.08 - Healthstation appointment for Magnus 11:00

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm started to become very aggrevated. Very, very, aggrevated.

Yesterday morning they scheduled me for an early 9:40 appointment with my doctor (fucking idiot that is NEVER there) and wouldn't you know it? I get there and the reception lady tells me that Grela wouldn't be in until 11am. Why couldn't they have called me to tell me this?! My options were to get my lab work done and wait until after 11, or do my lab work and come back the next day or later. I opted to come back today because it made no sense for me to wait around for a couple of hours... especially since Ørjan had to take time off work to come home and watch Magnus. It really bothers me the way we always get jerked around here when it comes to our health station. I have to go back up there today and it's not just an inconvenience, it's a painful inconvenience. I can barely walk without pain and I haven't slept much due to my size, the size and strength of my contractions, and Magnus' moods. Anyhow...

Last year I had an appointment with Grela and guess what, they scheduled me at 9am on January 2nd! I had to drag my pregnant ass out of bed early, wait around for 45 minutes while everyone adjusted to the first day back, he checked me over for no more than 5 minutes because he was running late, and then wished me luck with the rest of my pregnancy. WTF? I wasn't due until February 20th yet he treated me as if it were my last checkup... which it ultimately was! Every time I have this guy he checks me over, doesn't really pay any attention to what I'm saying, and then quickly writes something up and initials it. What bothers me more is that this guy is supposed to be my permanent doctor yet for 80% of my visits I always receive the other Swedish guy (who is sooooo much nicer - he likes to talk about hockey) that has to take over for his absences. Rydsaa only has a few dozen openings left and I have tried to switch over to him, but for some reason the application hasn't gone through. I realize that he's a specialist and that it will cost slightly more once I'm not pregnant, but it's worth it to have someone that is actually there, and hey, he's also our nextdoor neighbour so he does know us and I trust that he wouldn't screw us over.

I'm also upset because Ørjan decided to come home and help me today because he's afraid I'll go into labour soon and he sees how hard I have it now. He and I have always discussed the pressure and guilt he feels when he has to take off work, but now I just find it absurd that some people have such attitudes. He went into work this morning, explained to the office lady what our situation was, and she had the nerve to tell him, "Well I know how hard it is to be a mother, and now I'm a grandmother and take care of my grandchildren a couple of hours... it's not like I couldn't handle it." Well that's just fantastic. Guess what grandma, we have NO ONE that can help us. The only person I have is Ørjan. We have no family that lives close enough to help us when we need it, and if we ever needed a sitter, we'd have to arrange it well in advance. The first and only time I've had his family babysit for us were the two nights we celebrated around the time of his work's Christmas party. So here I am, days and possibly weeks (let's hope not!) away from giving birth and I'm still the only caregiver for my very active 1 year old son. It is not easy. I do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, and 95% of the care for Magnus. I barely sleep, my body constantly aches, and there is no one to help me. I've been pregnant for over 18 months (that's right!) with only a 3 month break in between - my body is exhausted. When I hear people say that it's not so bad because they've done it before, that they know from experience because they have children, I just want to slap them. I've been pregnant for almost two years, am raising a child with very little help, and I'm doing it in a country and a community that doesn't offer anything but excuses.

Ugh... I'm just so upset this morning. The only reason why I have time to write this out is because I'm sitting here waiting for some other laundry to finish and Ørjan took Magnus back upstairs for a nap. I don't even know if anything I've typed is coherent and right now I couldn't care less.

EDIT: The appointment that was scheduled for 2:10 happened, but he took me at 2:47 (the office closes at 3), and I was out of there by 3:04. Ugh. Ørjan could have just come slightly earlier to look after Magnus instead of coming home early this morning. I hate that we both wasted our day because of this extra appointment that they had to schedule. At least now I have some peace of mind that things are still going as they should. I also have a couple more appointments scheduled for the upcoming weeks... which he has scheduled with the other Swedish doctor of course.