Monday, June 30, 2008

Late-night morning thoughts

July is almost here! Ørjan will be finished from work soon and we'll have 4 weeks together to relax, vacation, and then come home and finish renovating the house. I am so looking forward to spending some time together as a whole family. Lately it's been a bit of a push and pull around here with our chaotic and exhausting schedules. It'll be nice to get away to Oslo and Prague (in less than 2 weeks!) and it should feel even better once we're settled in. There's still a million and one things we have to do and plan before we leave but I just haven't had the time or energy to get on it. Hmmm.

I've been up since 4am, I should really try something else.

Favoritsaker and Inreda are way too addictive.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Butts Hurts

For the past two months I've noticed alot of pain after I've been sitting on the sofa or when I need to get up from a chair. I thought maybe it was that I had been sitting too long or that maybe I just needed to give my muscles a workout. Apparently not. The pain is getting so bad that you'll rarely find me without a grimace when sitting on something soft. So maybe it's Coccydynia? It's supposed to be very common after childbirth. Hmmm. I just dread going to the doctor's and making an appointment because they'll ask me what the reason is.

Bitchy receptionist(she really is one of the town's top bitches): Yeah, so what's your problem that you need to see him?
Me: My butt hurts! (*Thinks: But at least it's not as ugly as your face... mwahahaha.)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Talk about an upgrade!

Although I have been eyeing a few Canon models since I have only ever used canons, husband came home with such a wonderful surprise! My new baby - the Nikon D60.

Our trip to Prague in July just got alot more interesting. With Ørjan using my current point and shoot (Canon A620) and me using this new baby, we should have optimal and more organized photoshoots.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Busy busy busy.

Life has been hectic and none of us have really been sleeping too well. The move, the switching of our address, and calling all of our services have been pure chaos. Norwegian businesses usually close at the usual hour of 3pm and now that many are taking on summer hours it has been a pain in the butt to get ahold of certain people. Our appointments, errands, and schedules are frightening, we still haven't unpacked half of our stuff, and we're still living out of boxes. Sigh.

One plus? At least my latest to-do list is pretty much complete.

[ETA]: The last of our belongings were packed up yesterday and most of what we own is just sitting in such a sad state in one of the bedrooms. I can't believe 90% of what we own could be fit into one room. We don't plan on spending so much money for furniture or renovations, but owning a much larger house leaves us with so many posibilities that are too hard to choose from. I just wonder when we'll actually have the time for this considering our vacation schedule next month.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

In less than 14 hours everything was moved from one house to the next. If only unpacking and trying to figure out where everything will go was as easy. The only clear thought I've had about the move is that I am going to be so happy watching our children grow up here. This move was not just for us, but for them. We upgraded from our cozy old house (nearly 100 years old) to a spacious 3-bedroom home with 2 storeys and a huge attic that can easily be converted to guest space. We had to compromise on the view but we now have a great view of the mountains, gained an immense amount of property, and the location is still perfect for us.

Oh, but at the moment we're without a home phone or internet. I'm being a bad girl and stealing the neighbour's wireless for a few moments just to catch up because I'm too cheap to use my mobile phone's connection. Wah wah.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Just a few quick updates:

  • Tomorrow begins PT.1 of our move to the new house. We're so not ready for this.
  • I FINALLY got my IUD inserted. I was supposed to get it in April but had to wait until today. Of course my period also arrived two weeks late on Wednesday but least I know I'm not pregnant and it made insertion so much easier. I swear, I didn't feel a thing. (But I guess having two kids also changes things...)
  • All of our contracts and paperwork have been signed and are being processed. We've also heard more great news from the bank, for once!
  • PT.1 of Ørjan's surprise birthday gift arrived today
  • Anemia sucks and having my period isn't helping things
  • We've been out almost every night and we (myself and the kids) aren't handling it well. It's really disrupting our usual schedules and routines.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm only popping on quickly since I'm still in the middle of packing and should really get back to it but I can't help but try to escape. Why? This might sound silly, but I cannot stand being downstairs right now. It's summer so we leave all the windows and doors open which means our cat go come in and out freely. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that his girlfriend is in heat and won't shut up, and won't stop following him into our house. I don't usually mind her, she's a tiny young cat that can't even claw us, but the howling and the constant need for our cat at all hours of the day and night is driving us crazy. It's especially hard since she lives next door to us and the owner doesn't seem to be around much. (Much like the previous owner of our own cat.) Now it's after 1pm which means that Magnus is trying to take his one and only nap of the day. For 20 minutes I heard him laughing and yelling because he could hear the cats outside of his bedroom window. I'm not worried about kittens being born because we had our cat fixed last year, but the idea of them having sex infront and behind our house isn't exactly what we want. Ørjan thinks it's funny but I think it's so irritating especially since they spend the entire day fucking, and then at night our cat wants to jump into bed with us to cuddle. Yeah it's nature and it's beautiful and all that crap... but the idea of him licking my face after he's just cleaned his genitals makes me slightly sour.

Oh well.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Me on Martha Stewart?


Well not personally, but it's still the thought that counts. The wonderful ladies over at cupcakestakethecake were featured on Martha Stewart for her cupcake week and as they were being introduced a screenshot of their blog was on the screen. Guess whose photo was on the top of that blog? Remember those rainbow cupcakes I made a while ago in March? Well I submitted a couple of them to the cupcakestakethecake flickr pool and one was picked up at their blog. They were some quick goodies that I threw together for the kids and didn't think much of it, but hey, it's still kind of cool. If you're interested, you can watch the full video (my photo comes up around 2:25-2:26 minutes into the episode) and find out more about these ladies and their blog.