Sunday, August 3, 2008

Corrosiveheart has moved home!

This blog has moved! I decided to bring back and will no longer be posting over here. If you use a reader to catch up with my site, you may now update your links and subscribe to the new feed location. There's nothing really too special at the site but with time I hope to bring back at least some content with a few extras.

See you there!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wanderlust Redux (PT.3)

July 2008 was quite a month for travel and I can't believe how smoothly it all went! Magnus and Sophie were so well-behaved and we were so proud of how well they held out during our such exhausting travel schedules.

Before we left for Prague on the 13th we spent one day and one night in Oslo's city centre. We didn't do too much shopping but did however get to IKEA and order our new kitchen. (Which should hopefully be here next week!) We had planned on meeting with our friends Atle and Noril but there just wasn't enough time and Atle wasn't feeling too well. At least I managed to pick up a few of the items I had been watching out for and mapped out a plan for our returning trip in Oslo.

Prague was great despite the two days of light rain and the one day when my stomach died. We shopped, took the kids to the zoo, and even managed to squeeze in some time for antiquing. We picked up the usual gifts of incredibly inexpensive alcohol and chocolate, soap, and cosmetics and skincare. The little extra money that we saved went towards mini-sprees at IKEA and antique shops. This did not include Ørjan's independent splurge at one of his stamp shops but I decided to let him decide what a fair amount would be. The zoo was fantastic! I didn't realize that it was rated as the world's 7th best zoo in 2008 until we did some research just prior to visiting (a few hours maybe?) but were so surprised and satisfied with our visit. Magnus loves animals right now and it was very special for him. He was however extremely tired and threw a few tantrums, but as soon as we managed to walk to the polarbears and the Indonesian Jungle his mood completely changed and he morphed back into the boy we all know and love. It's a very good thing that we opted for renting an apartment for the week because I'm not sure how the kids would have handled the trip. We needed the privacy and space and having an entire apartment with all the furnishings and ammenities that a regular flat has really helped. I didn't really take too many photos this time and was slighlty surprised I didn't take any pictures of our apartment, but we still have many great memories. It was sad to leave our favourite city behind, but I'm sure we'll be back again soon... without the kids!

The last couple of days we spent in Oslo were bittersweet. The shopping and sightseeing were great, but god was I disappointed about how badly that wonderful city is deteriorating. It didn't matter which street corner we had stopped at, or even which park we crossed, the streets were filled with panhandlers or drug users that were either obviously high or so sick that they were either vomiting or passed out. Sadly I am not exagerating any of these facts. I lived in and just outside of Toronto for many years and Oslo was 10x worse in my opinion. It's a great bustling city but I don't think I would want to take my family (my children) back there very soon. It's too bad. Although I live in an incredibly small town (are we more than 1200 now?) I'm still a city-girl at heart, but jeezs, Oslo is definitely not my city.

With our last few remaining days we went out to Onøy/Lurøy to visit his grandma. We refer to these trips as visiting his "grandma's island". Magnus has been a couple of times but this was Sophie's first visit outside my womb. We had gorgeous weather, spent some time with the grandparents (Magnus and Sophie's great-grandparents), and I of course went for a couple of walks and took some photos.

Now with vacation coming to an official end today I'm not sure how I'm going to handle Monday. Thankfully we still have the weekend ahead of us. With it now being over I just realized how badly I need another vacation as soon as possible!

Updates of sorts?

I feel like I should probably update this place with actual updates. It's been a while since I actually revealed what's been going on in my life as well as our lives. I plan on writing a separate post about our travels if I have time, but for the moment I will just stick with what's current.

Our birthdays went well for the most part. We initially had intended for them to be private affairs but they didn't end up as we had planned. Ørjan gave me my birthday gift in bed - a wonderful new tripod. Since I had been trying to keep his gift(s) a secret for months I decided I couldn't hold it in any longer. The day itself wasn't fantastic with me being so sick but it wasn't a complete disappointment. Ørjan ended up inviting some friends and family over for the next day (the shared day between our birth dates when we usually do something) so I spent the evening preparing food. The next day was a success and wasn't nearly as much stress as I thought it would be. For Ørjan's birthday we did pretty much the same as we did for my birthday but I threw in a few extras that could possibly nominate me as the sweetest wife on the planet. He also insisted on not having a birthday cake so I made him something with the remaining brownie that I had left. We spent most of our time with our family and the kids and it's the only thing I really wished for.

Our vacation has almost come to an end. How did four weeks go by so quickly? I think we only managed to do half of the things we had planned. Due to some delays many of the renovations we had planned for our house are only half finished. This point is slightly disappointing but it's not like we have a strict deadline either. It just would have been nice to have accomplished these tasks during our vacation when we actually had the time.

For those readers that visit my blog on a daily basis (that means you Texas) but find few updates should visit my flickr account since I usually find myself updating much more over there. I do plan on updating more in the next little while when Magnus begins kindergarten/daycare in a couple of weeks and when I reopen my domain. I haven't really planned to bring back the earlier content but rather am hoping to post content that reflects my life now as a woman, mother, and wife. I plan to bring back film and product reviews, technology updates, and more photos.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Today is my birthday

I have now reached 24. Today is my 24th birthday and despite how genuinely happy and content I am with my life when I woke up this morning I definitely felt something else. For the past couple of days I've been fighting a nasty cold and haven't really seen much of an improvement. This is just one reason why I'm slightly hesitant about today. I have to be honest, due to my childhood and my mother's half-assed attempts at being a Jehovah's Witness for several years, birthdays were forbidden and always sour... much like all the other occasions and holidays that I wanted to celebrate like all my friends and classmates. That's right. Their definition as to why celebrations were forbidden always dictated the day and the apprehension and disappointment always made it true. Family fights, feelings of disappointment and being unloved, and the pure disaster of the day meant I never had anything to look forward to. As I became older this of course gradually changed and my mother became a born-again Christian. Suffice to say though that a comprehensive 15+ years of memories still sting and burn my skin each year that I celebrate a birthday. Maybe this year has been the only year that I've been honest about it. While I have no problems whatsoever being part of or celebrating any other person's birthday, the idea of accepting celebrating something for myself without doubt is just impossible at this time.

Last night when Ørjan and I were turning down to bed he tried kissing me and wishing me a happy birthday but I just turned my head as if I was not interested in his affection. He knows how I feel about my birthday but it was still no excuse for being so cold. I've been awake for a couple of hours (maybe due to my cold, but probably due to my apprehension) thinking about what this day could be. In all actuality the weather has improved (VG sier at vi sku ha fint vær denne helgen) and I can see the sun breaking through the clouds over the mountain, I have a wonderful family to celebrate it with, and I don't have to deal with the pressures of other family members or throwing a birthday party. I was slightly pressured by my mother-in-law to do something but come on! Ørjan and I wanted to do something more private this year (his 34th birthday is in two days) for our birthdays and don't feel as if we need something elaborate. It's not exactly an "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" situation but rather a step in the right direction of actually taking control and power over a day that belongs to us and no one else.

I did make myself a promise though - At least one glass of wine. I have only had one glass of wine since June 2006 and today so we shall see how this goes down. Literally. I'm still breastfeeding Sophie exclusively but I don't think one glass of wine before bed will do too much harm. I hope. I've never had to pump and she's never had a bottle so she'll just have to forgive me if she doesn't like her midnight meal.

So in a nutshell, that's how I physically feel about today and my birthdays in general. Of course it's still early (not even 7am) and the day could totally pull me into another surprising direction, but I find it very unlikely. At 24 I am extremely happy, but celebrating my 24th birthday is an entirely different matter in my universe.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 years

Yesterday was our 3-year wedding anniversary. Since we were both so exhausted (and had done some celebrating in Prague) this year was a simple affair. It didn't mean that it wasn't good... because it was. Needless to say 3 years of marriage and 2 kids later hasn't touched the passion one bit. Dinner, desert, and a little surprise at the end of the night was perfect. Even Magnus seemed to like my more grown-up romanitc dinner for 2. I made a little extra thinking I would have some leftovers for lunch today but there's hardly anything left!

It's going on 7 years that we've been together. How and when did this happen? Ørjan and I never had the chance to know eachother during youth, but I can say without a doubt that we've definitely grown up together since we met. So much has happened since then that I couldn't imagine a life without him. Sometimes before we go to bed I actually say, "You can't die before me" because I worry so much although I know it doesn't help anything.

I love my husband. He's a good man, a wonderful husband (and bestfriend), and a fantastic father.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A tiny update

Prague has been wonderful. The weather has kind of sucked so I haven't taken too many photos. I can't believe we leave tomorrow morning. A week was too little. At least we spent this time relaxing and we avoided most of the tourists.
More later.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wanderlust PT.2

Ahhh... thank goodness for wireless in our hotel room. It's even more wonderful than a hot shower after two hot and sticky days. It took me half the day to shake off the feeling of the motion of the train. After 14 hours from Mo i Rana to Oslo I almost fell over at one point while changing Magnus' diaper. At 6:30 this morning we walked off the platform, ate breakfast, stored our luggage, and then took on the city. We went to House of Oslo to kill a few hours, made it to IKEA for some brief shopping, and even managed to walk around the city for as long as we could. Just imagine if you will two small ones (Magnus is 17 months and Sophie is 5 months) coming off the train at 6am and only napping for 1-2 hours at IKEA while we waited for the shuttle bus. They did so well and we were so proud of them. It was a long and exhausting day for everyone, but we achieved most of what we wanted. I wasn't able to hit many of the stores I wanted to at House of Oslo but I did however pick up a few steals at Åhléns. Items were 50%-70% off! I knew I couldn't buy too much because I want to keep the weight of our suitcases minimal for our departure to Prague tomorrow. IKEA was a complete success! We ordered our kitchen (Nexus gulbrun), ordered our bed in mellombrun (I was so disappointed that they didn't have the Hemnes bed I really wanted!), and even managed to sit down to a satisfying lunch. I was so proud of Magnus since he ate around 80% of this kidsmeal of meatballs. I ordered what I always order - IKEA's take on falafel and couscous.

I should really get some sleep. We have to get up early and get to the station and take the express train to the airport for our 11am flight. I can't wait to get to Prague. We really need this vacation. An added plus that had completely lapsed is that we have half a day both next Friday and Saturday to shop in Oslo. I can't wait to come back and hit up the shops I missed today.
Despite the wonder that is technology and free wireless, I am choosing to refrain from net usage while on vacation if I can manage it. This means my posting will resume when we return to Oslo next week. See everyone later!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wanderlust PT.1

VACATION!!! (Yes, I am this excited!)
There are a million things we still need to do but I'm still on top of it all. Everything has been confirmed and double-checked, our checklists are being completed, and the only thing we really need to worry about are those last minute details. Ørjan's mum will be taking our cat for the week, I have everything ready for the kids, and I'm actually for leaving our technology behind or keeping it turned off. We only have 6 days and 5 nights in Prague and I want to enjoy it since we haven't been there for a couple of years.

We're taking the train from Mo Friday afternoon and will be overnighting in Oslo, and our flight leaves for Prague Sunday morning. I cannot wait to get out of here. I need some shopping, culture, and to be in a place where we can be alone as a family. This city is very special for both Ørjan and I and now we have our children experiencing it with us. Of course taking two young children along might be insane, but that's life.

Hopefully I'll have time to post something before I leave because I have so much to say but have so little time. For those of you that read this I should be back next Monday. (Og du, ja, jeg vet at du er tilbake. Hvorfor sier du ingenting?)