Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm only popping on quickly since I'm still in the middle of packing and should really get back to it but I can't help but try to escape. Why? This might sound silly, but I cannot stand being downstairs right now. It's summer so we leave all the windows and doors open which means our cat go come in and out freely. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that his girlfriend is in heat and won't shut up, and won't stop following him into our house. I don't usually mind her, she's a tiny young cat that can't even claw us, but the howling and the constant need for our cat at all hours of the day and night is driving us crazy. It's especially hard since she lives next door to us and the owner doesn't seem to be around much. (Much like the previous owner of our own cat.) Now it's after 1pm which means that Magnus is trying to take his one and only nap of the day. For 20 minutes I heard him laughing and yelling because he could hear the cats outside of his bedroom window. I'm not worried about kittens being born because we had our cat fixed last year, but the idea of them having sex infront and behind our house isn't exactly what we want. Ørjan thinks it's funny but I think it's so irritating especially since they spend the entire day fucking, and then at night our cat wants to jump into bed with us to cuddle. Yeah it's nature and it's beautiful and all that crap... but the idea of him licking my face after he's just cleaned his genitals makes me slightly sour.

Oh well.

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