Friday, June 6, 2008

Just a few quick updates:

  • Tomorrow begins PT.1 of our move to the new house. We're so not ready for this.
  • I FINALLY got my IUD inserted. I was supposed to get it in April but had to wait until today. Of course my period also arrived two weeks late on Wednesday but least I know I'm not pregnant and it made insertion so much easier. I swear, I didn't feel a thing. (But I guess having two kids also changes things...)
  • All of our contracts and paperwork have been signed and are being processed. We've also heard more great news from the bank, for once!
  • PT.1 of Ørjan's surprise birthday gift arrived today
  • Anemia sucks and having my period isn't helping things
  • We've been out almost every night and we (myself and the kids) aren't handling it well. It's really disrupting our usual schedules and routines.

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