Sunday, March 9, 2008

Semi-sinful weekend

To sum up this weekend in one sentence: We sent Magnus to his grandma's in hopes of being able to relax and enjoy ourselves for just one night. I had originally thought that if we sent Magnus off for the weekend that we might be able to steal a few hours to ourselves since Sophie usually falls asleep after she eats. This was not the case at all! The plans were to eat a more adult dinner with slightly more gourmet flair than my usual weeknight dinners (which already can be fancy schmancy), relaxing on the sofa and indulging in chocolate truffles, and ending the evening with some... Ahem, lovin'. Of course nothing ever goes as planned. Let me explain...

I had somewhat of a quiet morning when Ørjan dropped Magnus off and also did some shopping in town. I was slightly disappointed that I couldn't go into town since I haven't been there for ages, but at least staying home with Sophie meant resting and relaxing. Instead of catching up on sleep (which I really should have done) I baked a few dozen cookies to have on hand and also to give to relatives and friends when we go visiting or have visitors. (I made chocolatechunk and triple chocolate cookies if you're interested.) When you have a new baby you always have people drop in! It wasn't so bad at all - The house was quiet, I only had Sophie to look after, and I was able to be alone and do something I enjoy: baking. Sophie fussed for a little while, but she slept for most of the morning. Around 3pm when Ørjan walked through the door things spiraled downward. From 3-9 she had terrible gas and was extremely fussy. We were seriously considering that it might be colic, but I knew that with all the vomiting and gas from both ends that her stomach must have really been bothering her. Instead of having a quiet evening together it was nothing but stress, crying, and exhaustion. The evening we had planned together wasn't going as anticipated. At least around 10pm she passed out after a final feeding and a nice long bath. The only trouble was that now both Ørjan and I were frustrated and had no energy to carry out the evening. I won't elaborate with details but we definitely exchanged some words. (We don't ever really fight, but rather have exhausting conversations that draw out alot of fears and emotions.) Already exhausted we spent over two hours talking in bed about how frustrated we were until we passed out.

At least our morning was better (this explains the title) and we managed to jump a certain hurdle - sex. It's been over a month since we last had sex and despite my pregnancy books suggesting a low sex drive after birth, this has never been the case with me. We both woke up in a much better and amorous mood, had protected sex (DEFINITELY no more babies for me this year!), and feasted on chocolate for breakfast. We also slept in an extra hour since we didn't have to attend to an oh-so-active Magnus that shakes me out of bed every morning at 8. Sex, chocolate, and sleep? As a parent that has very little time to stop and enjoy the small indulgences and pleasures of life, I can definitely say this weekend was semi-sinful.

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