Now that things have calmed down and holidays are over I'm looking forward to getting a headstart on this list. My goal is to achieve and complete this list by the end of April or mid-May, but with two kids, some new projects I've insanely taken on, and all the appointments we have scheduled I wonder if I'm being too hopeful. At least I can be enthusiastic, right?
- Complete framework painting in our bedroom
- Complete shelving in kids' room
- Take passport photos/Apply for Sophie's passport
- Send carepackage to Kristin in Australia
- Reply to all mail
- Book apartment for Prague Trip 2008
- Complete proposal for cooking workshop
- Renew subscription for ROM 1.2.3
- Save/Burn photo archives
- Organize Spring/Summer wardrobe
- Send photos with thankyou cards to Canada
- Begin cardio again! (6 weeks has already passed!)
- Birth control
haha I like that the last item on that list is BIRTH CONTROL.
OMG YES! There is no way I am getting pregnant again! It's been years since I've been on birth control... I feel like a BC virgin. I also have to "discuss" my birth control options because I'm breastfeeding. It's all new to me. :(
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