Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I signed up for PPP!

I've just signed up for payperpost on a whim since I've seen so many blogs feature it. At first I was somewhat synical and skeptical about the programme, but after joining I can honestly say that I was wrong - payperpost is great. I haven’t been signed up for too long, but after being approved so quickly I was amazed with the opportunities that are offered. It may appear that members are only directed to promote products for advertizers but it's not that at all - you choose to write about products and services that you're interested in and believe are worth it. There are organizations, products, and services that offer valuable deals as well as information for people that are always in search of these. For a cautious consumer like myself I welcome reading and promoting these. One thing to also consider is that like any relationship between the advertizer and the blogger, there is also a word of mouth ethics policy that is in place. There are strict policies in order which protect both sides from giving the impression of conflict of interest.

I suppose what I like best about payperpost is that you can also choose to donate the money you make to organizations like Habitat for Humanity and The American Red Cross. For people that are always striving to help others but aren't sure where to begin, you can take 10 minutes by blogging to do it - it's just that easy. There's no pressure to post anything and you can make honest reviews. Maybe what I like best about payperpost is that it delivers what it promises. You actually MAKE money and you don't have to wait an eternity to receive it either. As a mother of 2 children under the age of 2 I love how I can easily make extra money from home just by blogging. I would definitely recommend payperpost for others out there that might be in the same situation.

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