Friday, January 4, 2008

Room to complain

Why does this have to happen every time I have an appointment somewhere? This afternoon I'll be seeing my midwife (luckily) but I know the remainder of the day will be a waste.

Last night was not a dream at all. For the past couple of days I've noticed a couple very large lumps on my left breast. They appear to be blocked milk ducts and I'm not quite sure how to treat them since I'm no longer producing milk. (Although I'll be back in production in only a few short weeks.) I've tried hot compresses, massaging the painful lumps, and have even tried extracting milk or fluids the old fashioned way but nothing seems to work. It's incredibly painful moving around especially when I need to bend or reach for something... and sleeping? Oh god. I have to sleep on my back trying to push my left boob to hang on its side so that some pressure will be relieved. Sleeping on my back at this point is incredibly uncomfortable as well, even if I do prop my head up with several pillows to avoid acid from spewing back up my esophagus. When I'm on my back the baby likes to creep up and position itself under my ribs making it more difficult to breathe and more difficult to stand up during the night when I have to make those trips to pee.

Anyhow... last night. Magnus woke us up at 1:00 with such a loud scream. Rarely does this kid scream (unless he's fallen and hurt himself or had a bad dream) but he chose to last night. Neither of us could do anything to stop him. We tried feeding, giving fluids, singing, rocking, walking him, playing music... and nothing worked. I was beginning to fear the worst that perhaps he had some kind of stomach bug or that he had somehow injested poison without us knowing (I know, crazy, right?) but as soon as he caught view of our cat the laughing and smiling kicked in. I can't even remember what time we managed to fall asleep but it wasn't easy. Magnus kept kicking and moving in his sleep. Poor Ørjan has to wake up for 6 to go to work... he slept in an extra hour and decided to be late.

Now I should also mention that this next part will be a complaint about the weather. WHAT THE FUCK! On the days when I have an appointment (AND NO CAR!) and have to walk to get there, why does this horrible weather have to start? Either it's a snow storm, it's raining like hell, or it's hurricane-like winds could literally pick me up and toss me - bad weather always comes on the days I need to be out.

I feel miserable this morning. Thank god my appointment is booked for 12:30 and Ørjan can watch Magnus while I go to my appointment. I need a break. And some breakfast. I probably won't manage either of these things until after I come home. Ugh.

[EDIT] Appointment with the midwife went well enough despite the fact that this is the second time I've had traces of blood in my urine test. Bjørg also sent me up to see the doctor to check out my lumps and now I'll be on medication because they are so deep and inflamed.

// The major lump is gone but it was not pretty. I decided to poke a tiny hole into one (since a tiny white head appeared) and oh jeezs, a very digsuting pus-filled niagara falls came pouring out. I spent an hour last night just trying to get most out and it's still not fully drained! At least my meds seem to be helping. I am so relieved because last night it wasn't painful to sleep at all. (I didn't have to worry about my left boob being squished!)

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