Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hicks, heartburn, and a heavy stomach

I've reached 34 weeks. Someone needs to get this baby out of me soooooon! This pregnancy has definitely been more trying and more exhausting than when I carried Magnus. I don't have too much to say because I'm sure it would only be complaining at this point. I've been up since 4 but that's quite normal - The usual need to pee and strange hunger pangs don't afford me too many options. Tonight I woke up with excrutiating heartburn (when I sat up I actually vomitted and felt the acid in my mouth) and Ørjan thought it was labour. HA! If only!

Must try to sleep. So tired but unable to sleep. And why do I feel so hungry? Damn. Only a few more weeks and this will all be over. I'll have an empty stomach, I'll be back to breastfeeding, and I won't feel like a house on legs.

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