Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm started to become very aggrevated. Very, very, aggrevated.

Yesterday morning they scheduled me for an early 9:40 appointment with my doctor (fucking idiot that is NEVER there) and wouldn't you know it? I get there and the reception lady tells me that Grela wouldn't be in until 11am. Why couldn't they have called me to tell me this?! My options were to get my lab work done and wait until after 11, or do my lab work and come back the next day or later. I opted to come back today because it made no sense for me to wait around for a couple of hours... especially since Ørjan had to take time off work to come home and watch Magnus. It really bothers me the way we always get jerked around here when it comes to our health station. I have to go back up there today and it's not just an inconvenience, it's a painful inconvenience. I can barely walk without pain and I haven't slept much due to my size, the size and strength of my contractions, and Magnus' moods. Anyhow...

Last year I had an appointment with Grela and guess what, they scheduled me at 9am on January 2nd! I had to drag my pregnant ass out of bed early, wait around for 45 minutes while everyone adjusted to the first day back, he checked me over for no more than 5 minutes because he was running late, and then wished me luck with the rest of my pregnancy. WTF? I wasn't due until February 20th yet he treated me as if it were my last checkup... which it ultimately was! Every time I have this guy he checks me over, doesn't really pay any attention to what I'm saying, and then quickly writes something up and initials it. What bothers me more is that this guy is supposed to be my permanent doctor yet for 80% of my visits I always receive the other Swedish guy (who is sooooo much nicer - he likes to talk about hockey) that has to take over for his absences. Rydsaa only has a few dozen openings left and I have tried to switch over to him, but for some reason the application hasn't gone through. I realize that he's a specialist and that it will cost slightly more once I'm not pregnant, but it's worth it to have someone that is actually there, and hey, he's also our nextdoor neighbour so he does know us and I trust that he wouldn't screw us over.

I'm also upset because Ørjan decided to come home and help me today because he's afraid I'll go into labour soon and he sees how hard I have it now. He and I have always discussed the pressure and guilt he feels when he has to take off work, but now I just find it absurd that some people have such attitudes. He went into work this morning, explained to the office lady what our situation was, and she had the nerve to tell him, "Well I know how hard it is to be a mother, and now I'm a grandmother and take care of my grandchildren a couple of hours... it's not like I couldn't handle it." Well that's just fantastic. Guess what grandma, we have NO ONE that can help us. The only person I have is Ørjan. We have no family that lives close enough to help us when we need it, and if we ever needed a sitter, we'd have to arrange it well in advance. The first and only time I've had his family babysit for us were the two nights we celebrated around the time of his work's Christmas party. So here I am, days and possibly weeks (let's hope not!) away from giving birth and I'm still the only caregiver for my very active 1 year old son. It is not easy. I do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, and 95% of the care for Magnus. I barely sleep, my body constantly aches, and there is no one to help me. I've been pregnant for over 18 months (that's right!) with only a 3 month break in between - my body is exhausted. When I hear people say that it's not so bad because they've done it before, that they know from experience because they have children, I just want to slap them. I've been pregnant for almost two years, am raising a child with very little help, and I'm doing it in a country and a community that doesn't offer anything but excuses.

Ugh... I'm just so upset this morning. The only reason why I have time to write this out is because I'm sitting here waiting for some other laundry to finish and Ørjan took Magnus back upstairs for a nap. I don't even know if anything I've typed is coherent and right now I couldn't care less.

EDIT: The appointment that was scheduled for 2:10 happened, but he took me at 2:47 (the office closes at 3), and I was out of there by 3:04. Ugh. Ørjan could have just come slightly earlier to look after Magnus instead of coming home early this morning. I hate that we both wasted our day because of this extra appointment that they had to schedule. At least now I have some peace of mind that things are still going as they should. I also have a couple more appointments scheduled for the upcoming weeks... which he has scheduled with the other Swedish doctor of course.


Biljana said...

That's ridicilous Candace. I can't believe how the system just jerks you around.

It is terrible that you have to deal with that.


Candace D said...

Ugh... tell me about it. At least right now while I'm pregnant EVERYTHING is free. (Except some meds.) Norway claims to have free healthcare but it's nothing like Canada. ;P