We are in quite a dilema at the moment. The notion of moving has always been there and it's burning a severely smoldered hole in the back of my head. Should we move to Canada? Should we find a bigger place in Hemnesberget? Should we try moving to the south? When we found out that I was pregnant with Sophie it was immediate chaos when it came to our current residence. Do we move or do we build out the house? Ørjan has already created several floorplans for the three rooms and is anxious to get started, but I on the otherhand have no desire to build out just yet (since the kids are so young and there's no rush) and would rather wait to see if something else comes out on the market. We live in a small place with a huge elderly demographic. (It's only a matter of time before they move to a nursing/retirement home or umm... die, right? Then I'm sure a house will go up.) There are a couple of places for sale in our town but they just haven't seemed right.
There's a house for sale (was previously owned by good friends) that we've thought about but it requires massive renovation outside (insulation and panels). The profit we'd earn from selling our current house would probably go towards that and not interior renovation or redecorating. Sigh.
There's a house for sale (was previously owned by good friends) that we've thought about but it requires massive renovation outside (insulation and panels). The profit we'd earn from selling our current house would probably go towards that and not interior renovation or redecorating. Sigh.
- The house is HUGE - 4 bedrooms and 3 full floors
- Located in a family/child-friendly neighbourhood
- Was recently renovated x2 (But I'd like to gut some of it... Just not my style)
- We'd be starting again - new house means redecorating and new home projects!
- We'd be losing the gorgeous view that we already have!
- We'd no longer be in the sentrum (We don't own a car - the walk in the winter would be tougher.)
- We'd have to let go of a house we've put so much time, effort, and money into. (Then and Now)
- Our nextdoor neighbour would be one of the town's police officers (My life is not a BBC police-mystery series)
Anyhow... We still have alot more to think about. We might call the owner today and go for a quick browse to get a better feeling since looking at photos online can only give you so much.