Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Almost a year already?


I can't believe our little guy is almost 1! Today I found myself hugging him and saying, "You've been outside mummy's tummy for a year." Every day with him brings us so much pride and joy. This afternoon I finished wrapping up the last of his gifts and tried to decide upon the baked goodies that I'll make for his birthday celebrations on Friday. I've always wanted to plan a party for a kid/baby and now that I can, I'm so overwhelmed! I wanted to go with a theme but I think I'll wait for another occasion when he's older.

I also tried taking some photos suitable for submitting to Rana Blad for their birthday announcements but it was so difficult... I really only ended up with outtakes!



Kate said...

He is SOO cute! He has such a unique face.. He's going to be a heart breaker for the girls when he gets older!

Candace D said...

Hehe... don't I know it! I think if we ever move to Canada he's going to be so popular with the girls because he'll have an international thing going on, and he'll have a name you don't heart too often.

But oh god, as far as his unique face goes... EVERYONE over here says he looks just like his dad. It's like I had nothing to do with the creation of this child!!!

Kate said...

LOL well at least you and Orjan KNOW you had plenty to do with it! :D

Congrats by the way for the little GIRL that's on the way!