Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Universe:3 - Candace:0

Happy Earth Day! It's incredibly gorgeous outside and I'm confident that we won't have another freak snowfall. The weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and it doesn't become dark until around 11pm. Summer is on its way. This is probably the only positive thing I have to report today.

Yesterday morning I went to the doctor's for my birth control appointment. He was supposed to insert a copper IUD but it never happened. I took a routine blood and urine test just to make sure I wasn't pregnant. (OMG NO! We have been so careful because I can not risk getting pregnant for a third time within 3 years!) It came back negative, but apparently there were traces of bacteria and he was concerned I might have an UTI (urinary tract infection). I was told to come back the next day to see if my tests results did infact indicate an infection (bacteria was growing) and that if I had one he would just prescribe medication and give me the IUD at the same time. Ok... not a problem. I wanted to be safe as well.

So here I am half running and half walking to the healthstation (running because Ørjan was late coming home to watch the kids) and I tripped and fell! I ripped the knee of my pants, my right knee and leg were incredibly scraped up, and I heard a loud crack from my left foot. I was rushing to get to the doctor's for nothing because get this - it came back negative for an infection! At least he cleaned and bandaged my leg. Did I mention I got my period this morning? YES! OH MY MOTHERFUCKING GOD! And IUD can be set in at any time (and is perfectly ok to be inserted during a period) but he said we should wait until near the end of it so that we could better monitor if there is any heavy bleeding afterwards. I completely understand but what the hell? Is the universe against me being on birth control? I've already been cursed with being so fucking fertile (My period returned 6 weeks after I gave birth to Magnus, and 3 weeks after I gave birth to Sophie) and there is no way in hell that I am going to risk getting pregnant a third time. Obviously we're using condoms but we both hate them and are both wanting forms of birth control. Maybe all of this is just too much information for some of you, but this is my reality. Two kids in two years and fabulous fertility - I WANT BIRTH CONTROL NOW! Obviously the breastfeeding exclusively isn't an option because despite doing it with both my children my period returned so quickly.

Ach. I'm just so frustrated. I got my period, I fell and scraped my knee and leg, and I still don't have any birth control. Come on universe - Give me a break already!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I love my kids so much.

Flickr just got alot more wonderful. VIDEO! Now I'm glad I renewed my pro/paid account.

Exit 75, I'm still alive.

I haven't had the chance to post anything as of lately due to several reasons. Obviously life can be busy, but when your back goes out and you end up sick and having to take care of two sick kids it's pure chaos. With our house being sold and our constant hunt for a new place we have very little time for ourselves. Here's what you might have missed...

Last Thursday my already aching back went out. I thought I could just shrug it off with a good night's rest but it just wasn't the case. As the weekend approached it became increasingly more painful to the point where I couldn't even turn two degrees to the left. I spent a couple of days in bed and had to ask Ørjan to take a few days off from work to help me out. All that terrible twisting, bending, and lifting combined with my post-partum bekkenløsning had put me out of commission. Not only was I crying due to the pain, I was also feeling incredibly guilty that I couldn't even pick up my kids. It also didn't help that all three of us were sick. Thank god that Ørjan has some patience. To top things off April hasn't been the slowest month either. On the days that I've wanted to rest and recooperate I've had to shock myself awake and drag my exhausted ass out the door.

The Schedule:

08.04.01 - Magnus' & Sophie's pediatric appointments (11:00)
08.04.01 - Appointment with my midwife (birth control) 12:00
08.04.01 - Magnus' & Sophie's doctor appointments (14:00)
08.04.04 - Kids' Dental Group @ healthstation (13:00)
08.04.05 - Family Meeting @ healhtstation (12:30)
08.04.05 - Meeting with the realtor
08.04.11 - Family meeting (11:00)
08.04.12 - House viewings
08.04.16 - House appraisal
08.04.21 - Doctor's appointment for birth control (09:50)
08.05.14 - Magnus' & Sophie's pediatric appointments

I'm sure there was more that I wanted to post but I'm just too tired right now. I'll come back and edit this later.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Boy for sale...

It's official. We signed the contracts this afternoon. Our house, our little baby, it's now for sale. :(

Our agent was very optimistic that we could get our asking price or more very quickly and also let it slip that a few more places are going up for sale in the next little while.

Now we wait.