I feel slightly accomplished. Not because I necessarily think that I've managed to achieve or complete a handful of tasks, but because I've actually completed what I had set out to do and finished it while being satisfied. Some weekends I think, "Ok I'm really going to clean this kitchen" but then only spend an hour doing the dishes and reorganizing the fridge, but this weekend was different. I felt better, slightly more rested, and I didn't bother to make my usual TO-DO list.
We haven't really had a weekend to just relax and actually feel relaxed. Satruday started off rough (partially due to the suspicion that Magnus has more teeth coming in) because Magnus wouldn't go down for his usual naps, Ørjan was off playing Hemnesberget's 24-hour tech support (helping someone configure their new net connection), and I couldn't help but feel extra heavy due to my growing stomach. Thankfully Magnus slept through the night without any fussing, Ørjan and I managed to squeeze in some very good sex, and we all slept in until 9:15 - it was wonderful. During lunch I actually said, "I can't remember the last time I actually felt this good and I'm smiling!" because I couldn't get past the fact that I woke up on a Sunday feeling rested and ready.
I also spent some quality time calling my mum for a couple hours (which I haven't done in a while since I don't accept calling her at work as quality time) and it felt good. I mostly let her do the talking but I suppose it was good for both of us. Mum sounds quite excited about joining us in Prague this summer for our little vacation. Of course she's excited to come out and see Magnus (and the new baby!) but I think the idea of travelling has fired a spark within her. I also sat down and went through my lists for christmas cards and packages in fear of being overwhelmed if I put it off any longer. And while on the subject of Christmas I should probably also mention that Christmas Cookie Madness has officially begun. I started my first batches of Christmas cookies and goodies this afternoon - check it out here.
The laundry never got washed, the bathroom and shower stall still need to be scrubbed, and I never managed to clean out the fridge, but I'm completely happy with not having done it. If I had attempted to fill my weekend with cleaning I'm sure I would have done it half-assed and complained about it later. At least this weekend I managed to accomplish my few tasks with satisfaction, spent some quality time with my mum, and had a good time with my husband and son.
We haven't really had a weekend to just relax and actually feel relaxed. Satruday started off rough (partially due to the suspicion that Magnus has more teeth coming in) because Magnus wouldn't go down for his usual naps, Ørjan was off playing Hemnesberget's 24-hour tech support (helping someone configure their new net connection), and I couldn't help but feel extra heavy due to my growing stomach. Thankfully Magnus slept through the night without any fussing, Ørjan and I managed to squeeze in some very good sex, and we all slept in until 9:15 - it was wonderful. During lunch I actually said, "I can't remember the last time I actually felt this good and I'm smiling!" because I couldn't get past the fact that I woke up on a Sunday feeling rested and ready.
I also spent some quality time calling my mum for a couple hours (which I haven't done in a while since I don't accept calling her at work as quality time) and it felt good. I mostly let her do the talking but I suppose it was good for both of us. Mum sounds quite excited about joining us in Prague this summer for our little vacation. Of course she's excited to come out and see Magnus (and the new baby!) but I think the idea of travelling has fired a spark within her. I also sat down and went through my lists for christmas cards and packages in fear of being overwhelmed if I put it off any longer. And while on the subject of Christmas I should probably also mention that Christmas Cookie Madness has officially begun. I started my first batches of Christmas cookies and goodies this afternoon - check it out here.
The laundry never got washed, the bathroom and shower stall still need to be scrubbed, and I never managed to clean out the fridge, but I'm completely happy with not having done it. If I had attempted to fill my weekend with cleaning I'm sure I would have done it half-assed and complained about it later. At least this weekend I managed to accomplish my few tasks with satisfaction, spent some quality time with my mum, and had a good time with my husband and son.